Accepted DoomCornKing application for Hospital Sec

- In-game name: DoomCornKing
- Age
- Date joined server: 8 months ago
- Current playtime: 21 17 36
- How long have you been a Doctor: The entire time I have played the server
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary
: Reasons haven't changed. I was told the date was the 16th, so I can apply now. My interest hadn't changed. Nor the motivations from before.
- What can you bring to the Department: Continuing my previous work.
- Additional Information: You might have noticed that I have not been on the server since the incident. I Was on a break from all Minecraft during this time. If I am accepted I can return to work, otherwise I am not sure about returning to businesscraft. I would continue my work from before. And either way you decide, I will contact you about my work. I know I meant to do so earlier but things came up and then... well, I forgot after a week or two.


Good luck! Although, aren’t you already a Hospital Secretary? You had the tag when you were online.

During the incident, me, doomed, and clare were all fired. Just doomed was fired 'till the day of this application, while me and clare were perm fired for an understandable reason.