Answered / Added Dynamic/delayed server restarts


Member Of Parliament
- Username: Creepsteve05
- Suggestion Title: Dynamic/delayed restarts
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
Every single day, multiple times a day, the server restarts. It don't matter how many players are online, or if the server needs it. No matter what, players will get kicked when the restart happens and not come back. The server can go from having 30 players online to having 13 online 10 minutes later. This can and has caused losses in possible core players. This plugin (or any other plugin/string modifier) will delay restarts if there are a large number of players online unless absolutely needed. The plugin page explains it better, but the gist of it is; the server will have a scheduled number of restarts every day, if the server has more than x players online it will delay the restart by x, if the server tps gets too low it will not delay, etc.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Yes
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information: Whoever configures this plugin needs knowledge of both java and js, as well as some knowledge in compilation.


Veteran Player
Hmm it is not a bad idea. I agree but also some big events with more then 30 players often wait for the restart to happen so there will be the least lag during the event.


A lot of our updating systems are timed basing on when the server restarts are, plus the restarts only occur every 8 hours normally, assuming no force restarts or crashes occur in between then, which is enough up-time. Not only that, but each restart only takes roughly 2-4 minutes to start back up, so no need to adjust these timings.