Economy Feedback


Hi all, Info here! The server economy is quite stagnant as we all know and really everyone only sells to the gov't which is not good for anyone in the long run. The gov't balance has been decreasing for a while and we have needed to shut down selling to the gov't in order to maintain a balance within the government. So i come here today asking the players to voice their own ideas as to how we can get a living and breathing economy on the server with players buying and selling not just selling to the players. Please let us know how to improve the economy and promote the growth and development of small business in the server!


Staff member
The issue with the economy is that players have no need for valuable items such as diamonds, gold, iron, or redstone. The supply of these items is immense but the demand is almost non existent among the players, the only demand for these items comes from the government. The only real fix for this in my opinion is to somehow create demand in the community for valuables such as ores. To do this perhaps we could introduce a new plugin or 2 using ores to craft new objects, similar to how furniture works.

As far as things like crops that are being sold to the government, if you really think about it the ONLY supply of crops should be farmers, because how many people in the real world have a large enough garden or farm to feed themselves and hundreds of customers? The issue there is that too many people have their own farms and therefore have no need to buy product from farmers, Im not entirely sure how to fix this besides banning farming for anyone who isn't a farmer, which doesnt seem very fair honestly even though it would be more realistic...
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Maybe allow cars to be crafted (If Possible) and make the recipe something like 3x2 rectangle on the bottom of the crating box and the material depends on the cars speed, e.g:

Iron Block - 100%
Gold Block - 150%
Diamond Block - 200%
A possibility of a transportation such as buses, Trains, boats and airplanes could be added. Once again the money from that will go to the Goverment. Another big city where you can travel to would be nice, as more property for people to buy.


Staff member
If possible make the cars require fuel. When players buy the gas the money goes to the Goverment.
that would solve nothing
A possibility of a transportation such as buses, Trains, boats and airplanes could be added. Once again the money from that will go to the Goverment. Another big city where you can travel to would be nice, as more property for people to buy.
this would also solve nothing

we need players to buy and sell from each other, as in cut the government off as much as possible, everyone is too reliant on them, thats why i suggested creating demand within the community so that people have a reason to purchase goods from other players, theres no demand for things like diamonds or gold, we can make gas stations but why would we give them to the government? it should belong to the players. planes, trains, and boats should also be privatized so that theres demand for resources that they require to operate. irl all of these things are not owned by the government, and for good reason.

Also theres really no need to cheat money in, money is added to the economy from new players, mobs and fishing, and irl $ for in game money. I guess you could argue that this may cause inflation, but at this rate thats the least of our concerns
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Staff member
Maybe allow cars to be crafted (If Possible) and make the recipe something like 3x2 rectangle on the bottom of the crating box and the material depends on the cars speed, e.g:

Iron Block - 100%
Gold Block - 150%
Diamond Block - 200%
this isn't a bad idea, I don't know how possible it is but its not a bad idea, this in conjunction with other recipes for other things would definitely help.


I think perhaps moving the gov shop to the back of the mall might be of some use - as then players would see other shops as they walk by and perhaps notice they are buying stuff for more than the gov and selling stuff cheaper than the gov ( Like me I buy gold ingots for more than gov and sell them and all of my products cheaper than gov - I checked! )

Also I think plot prices should be reduced so and more plots should be regioned so more players can buy plots from gov so gov gets more money to make sure it does not lose money and keeps making a profit.

I also think players should be allowed to craft and sell cars at car dealers.


One miner thing that might help is just like in real life. If you own a plot for a business, you have to pay a tax every month to keep the plot. The rent would be way higher than apartments businesses are making money. Also, I think business plots prices should be raised.


Staff member
I think perhaps moving the gov shop to the back of the mall might be of some use - as then players would see other shops as they walk by and perhaps notice they are buying stuff for more than the gov and selling stuff cheaper than the gov ( Like me I buy gold ingots for more than gov and sell them and all of my products cheaper than gov - I checked! )

Also I think plot prices should be reduced so and more plots should be regioned so more players can buy plots from gov so gov gets more money to make sure it does not lose money and keeps making a profit.

I also think players should be allowed to craft and sell cars at car dealers.
One miner thing that might help is just like in real life. If you own a plot for a business, you have to pay a tax every month to keep the plot. The rent would be way higher than apartments businesses are making money. Also, I think business plots prices should be raised.
What is the obsession over giving the government money?

Moving the gov shop to the back could help


Privatizing Buses and Trains is a good idea I think but we could also let players own things like billboards and other advertisements and players could rent the signs advertising their businesses. The government could also give benefits to people who let people sell things at their shops. The main reason why no one lets people sell stuff at their shops is because everyone is trying to save their money. Now the richest players try to get more money so they don't let you sell stuff at their shops. It would be great if the richest players would let you sell stuff at their shops, but we could make it harder to find supplies on the server which would cause people to buy and sell stuff.


The Cookie Dealer
Hi all, Info here! The server economy is quite stagnant as we all know and really everyone only sells to the gov't which is not good for anyone in the long run. The gov't balance has been decreasing for a while and we have needed to shut down selling to the gov't in order to maintain a balance within the government. So i come here today asking the players to voice their own ideas as to how we can get a living and breathing economy on the server with players buying and selling not just selling to the players. Please let us know how to improve the economy and promote the growth and development of small business in the server!

The reason the government is having balance problems, is because no one has any other options, and why do they not have any other options? Because no one sells or buys anything in their shops.

The reason no one buys or sells to player shops, is because no one has a sell sign, and all the player shops are either: over priced, Out of stock, Don't sell anything good (like cake, who wants a cake?), or someone to be there to sell you the items. The reason most players don't have shops, is because they don't make profit, to rent the area is usually $750 a month and usually no one comes to the shops or the shops never get finished, so that money is wasted.

So I think to fix the balance problems with the government, you need to make players want to make shops to sell to others, because right now there aren't any other options for players to sell their items to, also a way to make players not want to sell to the government store as much, would be lowering the prices things sell for in the government shop, so instead of $30 to sell a diamond, you make it lets say $8, also make buying prices for items at the government shop higher, so instead of $80 for a diamond make it $100. And anyone who owns a shop and has not finished making it by one week, should be removed from the shop, this would stop people from owning empty and useless shops.

I have experience with owning a shop, there isn't enough good that comes out of it, you make hardly any money and there are so many other and better ways of earning money, like mob hunting, selling to the government shop, fishing or just having a government paid job. And selling things, why would anyone buy an item they were trying to sell?

And the amount of bars, cafes and bakeries I've seen in the mall is terrible, there aren't even any shops that sell useful things, its all food and a lot of the time its overpriced food that no one wants (Like cake) a couple of places that sell only food are okay, but a whole mall? That's way too many places that sell food,

I've been trying to find leather on multiple occasions, and there are some shops that sell it but they're all out of stock, even the one that is owned by one of your admins, is out of stock. And not a single person that I have seen sells ores. And I haven't seen a single sell sign on anyone's shop other than my own (Which I sold awhile ago due to not making any profit)

So this is why I think the government is having balance problems, no one has any other options for selling ores or buying them, and that is because there isn't a benefit to owning a shop.

Also I wrote this when I was tired so if something doesn't make sense, that's why.
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An Apple Product
I don't know how to quote people so whatever

Someone said something about crafting cars with the iron, gold and diamond blocks.

Do that and you have a new job: Car mechanic or Car dealer meaning you wouldn't need to have a government car dealership and it'd spread the flow of money around the players. Idk just my take on this.