Election Post for PendingName


  • Your username-PendingName
  • Your age-13
  • Your activity on the server- I play this server daily and I really enjoy our community! Sometimes my family has some issues that I must not be on for a week due to.
  • When you joined the server- it says 3-4 months but the joindate is messed up due to a glitch.
  • Why you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament- Why you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament- I am actually surprisingly mature for my age! I bring up real points that could be very useful, I also fight for my opinion and I would never try to make our server worse. I see the other candidates wanting the same exact thing which is nice, but also quite worrying because that means there isn't any true reason to vote for a specific person. I am a very loyal person, I don't leave people in the dust or lose myself in power. I believe that staying calm and being kind can take you further than ordering people around with a cold shoulder. I realize we need firmness to apply the rules, but people take it better if you are kind and proper towards them.
  • What kind of laws would you vote for/against- I want to promote realistic events and plugins! I have a few suggestions I will list.
    Traffic lights
  • Electricity is one I agreed with Noodle on
  • A variety of seasons would be fun
  • I really want to provide a variety of jobs, many people need them since jobs are taken fast. I know this adds realism to the game but I think people need a stable source of income
1. Many of you said you wanted to hear public opinion before proposing and/or voting on motions. How do you plan to obtain this, and what would you do if you heard conflicting opinions?

The public opinion matters so very much because that shows whether or not the server will be impacted greatly. I plan to either do a poll or interview new and old players that could give me a good opinion of how they think my idea is. I wont pressure them into thinking my idea is the best. If they have conflicting opinions I will talk about the cons they have thought of, but overall I will have a majority vote wins. I will try to make the changes that those who don't agree want in order to make the server better for all of the community.

2. What do you think about house and plot prices (eg. too expensive, too cheap, just right)?

It can be hard to new players to earn that amount of money! I do think it matters on what type of plot it is and where it is, I think it should go by how many blocks the plot is as in having a block price like regioning does. I don't think a change is necessary this would be a time to ask for the public opinion and take a poll! I do think maybe they should stay as is, but that's a single persons opinion. Maybe we could raise it even since they sell so quickly.

3. If a player suggests a motion, would you bring it to Parliament even if you disagree with it?

Of course, even if I disagree with it I think others should have an opinion. Not bringing it to the other members would be selfish. Everybody can have an opinion, it isn't ethical to side sweep their ideas for your own purpose.

4. What is your opinion on helicopters? Do you think they should be released to the public?

The helicopters are a cool option we could add to the public, but I believe we could have specific people driving them or make it more realistic and make people have a permit and take a type of flight exam. We shouldn't give everyone the ability to drive them around due to possible lag. We could have special tour guides for town tours which would be super fun, we could also have police helicopters which would be kind of a cool perk to have for a PO. In all I believe we don't need to release them to the civilians.

5. Should the airplane ticket price be increased, decreased, or left as is? Why? If you think it should be changed, what price do you think it should be set at?

I believe the distance should be considered, if it's very far then a high price is appropriate. The current price is way too high imagine if you were a new player wanting to head to OCC, you'd have to spend a hefty amount of money to do so. I think it should be decreased by a little so it is used more often, and the price could drop maybe $10 just to spike the usage. (I personally haven't seen many players use it) I avoid it due to price.

6. Some people believe the government shop should be entirely removed, or at least the sell portion should be as to promote player business. What do you think about this idea? If you disagree, how do you plan on solving issues in the economy?

I dont think we need to keep it but we dont want to just get rid of it right away we need to show them that we want them to sell their own materials so they can make money. Realism is increased by player to player interaction. I care about others opinions and I would go around to make sure that they aren't disagreeing completely, I don't want to lose our valuable players to a decision that will impact us greatly.

7. There was a debate about something called a “death ban” back in late August. This would temporarily ban a player for about 5 minutes if they were killed by another player. The ban would be expunged (removed) from the player’s record. How do you feel about this idea, and what should happen when a player dies?

I don't agree with this at all, it seems unreasonable and unnecessary to do. Banning the player wont do anything for them other than getting rid of them for a bit, and I believe our current system works fine but could be adjusted. It could also make new players angry and quit the server. There should be some sort of block from talking for 30 seconds then they are still given the information of who killed them so they can report it. I also agree with with the room idea! I think they shouldn't be able to speak though because they need time to calm down so there isn't a blow up in chat. I also agree with healing sign for when no doctors are present but the sign should charge them more than a doctor would.

8. Realism is something most people can agree is good, but should something be changed only to add realism, or must it have another purpose? For example, should staff be removed for total realism? Elaborate.

I dont think something should be changed just to add realism, because we may then have lag from those plugins. I don't think staff should be removed, even if we strive for realism we need to still have people monitoring what happens, it could get messy without someone to step in. We would begin to develop a community that wouldn't follow rules or be ethical at all.

9. Do you think adding a weapons (i.e. guns) and/or drugs plugin would be a positive addition to the server? Why or why not?

My opinion on this is tough, it's a good and bad idea. Weapons do add realism but maybe we could give them to specific roles and I don't agree with drugs, it could damage our friendly community. There are children that play this game and that is not a good influence on them, it could encourage them in real life to do them and that is not what we want to promote. The overall impact would be negative and toxic!

10. Are prices for vehicles and fuel good as is, or should they be changed? Why? If you said changed, to what would you change them to?

I believe the prices for the vehicles should be lowered because sometimes you lose a car, and end up not being able to find it which forces you to buy a new one. This has happened to me once and it's a pain to have to spend a ton for a new vehicle. I do think we should be given a type of key that we can right click the ground and our vehicle appears if you lost it. Back to the question though I think they do cost to much, some are more expensive than a plot. I dont believe realism should be a factor in this case because we dont have enough job openings to make this much money. The fuel is perfectly fine, very affordable!

11. Do you believe more jobs should be added? Please keep it brief and explain why.

Yes! We have so many players that jobs are just kind of a luck thing, If you're the first to dm you get it but others are left with nothing. It's a good idea to have more jobs in general, If you look in business ads and dm a day later normally the job is taken one of the most common complaints are people having trouble finding any work. Also quite a bit of people have left for that very reason of not being able to earn money at all. Jobs are the MOST important thing in this server, it's the foundation of how you play. I have given this topic specifically the most thought out of them all, being a current player without any perks or gov job I completely understand the struggle.

12. Recently, the idea floated around about term limits. Do you think they should be implemented? Why or why not?

Yes, It'd be more realistic but make it a high number because soon enough people will be re-elected due to they had experience and newcomers wouldn't be able to get elected as often. It seems only fair so others are able to fully experience it! They could get new people with new opinions and out looks that could really improve our server.

13. There have been suggestions of season and food plugins, among other things. Can you think of any plugins you want added?

I personally am ALL about plugins! People play BC because of the community and plugins that make it fun, any other towny type server isnt popular because of no plugins. It's the whole reason we all love it right? The realism is like playing life, and it gives you a glimpse of the real world for young people (doctor billing, jobs, gov jobs, police) it's great. If we get more plugins people wont want to leave ever! These plugins would be so very fun and also give us a culinary job! Slimefun is a great realistic plugin, Clothing ones have been thrown around, and electricity could be found in slimefun. I love plugins so much and want more but i know the lag cost

14. Should Ministers be addressed in a formal way, such as using Ms. Minister? Why would you agree or disagree with this question?

I personally think it should be their decision of whether or not they want to be addressed formally or casually. I think in a business situation they should be addressed formally, but in a casual conversation I think they should be able to chose whether or not they want to be called that.

15. How do you think the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister should receive the role of PM or DPM?

They must be extremely familiar with the entire server and the behind the scenes of it. I think the PM should decide the DPM and the PM is decided by MP because of the rankings. This question is hard to answer but I have done my best. I do believe it should involve the public but I don't quite have an idea of how yet.


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Staff member
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
Good luck Pending