Executive Order Executive Order No. 8 Capital Billboard


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister

Executive Order No. 8​

By the power vested in as Prime Minister by the Constitution and Laws of Stratham. I do hereby declare the following:

To ensure fairness in corporate competition across the server the following is hereby ordered:

(1) Each registered business is limited to 3 standard billboards in the Capital City.

(2) Registered Businesses may not own a Standard billboard for a period of longer than 4 weeks.
(a) If after one week from the expiration of the 4-week limit, no other Registered Business has claimed the billboard, Registered Business Owners may make a new application for the same advertisement.

(3) Registered Businesses who currently own more than 3 standard billboards will be given until the end of their week rental period.
(a) After the end of the week rental, they will receive a refund of half the value of the excess billboards for the inconvenience.