Answered / Added Expanded Government Store


Username: Napugi
- Suggestion Title: Expanded Government Store
- Elaborate: There are a few different reasons as to why I think the government store at the mall should be expanded. First of all, I think there should be a lot more options to sell blocks for cheap. Some of these are dirt and cobblestone, which after doing a few underground expansions to some plots I have, I have multiple double chests full of them. I realized that by adding a very cheap sell option at the mall, I would be able to clear up some space and make a few quick bucks. Not only would this possibly help with clearing up the lag from removing blocks from the ground, but also give poorer players more easy ways of earning a bit of money that doesn't necessarily rely on other players wanting to buy or being online. I also think that because there are not that many people on at a time, finding a very specific set of blocks or a large quantity of them could be hard to get. Not only because people may not have them for sale, but if they do, one may not know where they can buy it due to the amount of locations where stores are set up that players don't even know about.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): No
- Additional Information: N/A


You can always sell dirt to the Department of Agriculture store, as for the rest of your suggestion, the Government is trying to make the economy less reliant on their stores, so I highly doubt this will be implemented. I am not Cabinet however, so I may be wrong.

I agree


flower girl
We will not be expanding the government shop for items like dirt because you can already sell to the DoA shop as the players stated above. We do want a more player reliant economy though which is another reason we won’t be increasing the sell options, but if you also want some extra krunas by you could always vote everyday. thank you for your suggestion!