Accepted Gabi__'s application for Police Officer


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs

-In-game name:

- Age
: 14

- Date joined server:
Aug. 6, 2020

- Current playtime:
33 days as of right now

- Why do you want to be a Police Officer:
I would like to become a Police Officer because I enjoy helping the community of bc and I feel as police I would be able to help out the community even more, from impounding cars, and arresting people who killed. I already am familiar with the rules and laws of the server, and feel like I would be a good addition to the team. I would say that I can deal well with trolls, and new players due to my prior experiences and feel like I am ready to handle the responsibilities. I feel that if I were to become police I would be able to help since I am very active on both the Business Craft server and the discord. I have also seen that the DOJ is helping create more stuff on the server, such as auctions for the good of the people, and the government, and I would love to become a part of this evolving department.

- What can you bring to the Department:
In my time on Business craft so far I have been a Tourguide, Senior Tourguide, Community Coordinator, and Environmental manager, I feel that all of these jobs have improved my communication/skills with people and have further helped me enforce laws and regulations on people in order to make the community a better place. I know in the past I have had interesting relationships with some of the other officers but I’m hoping to make that better.

- Additional Information: My discord is Gabi__#3333 if you have any questions please feel free to reach out and ask!!


Staff member
gl gabi ily (yes im on forums instead of my test)


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
hehe ily all <3 tyty




Congratulations, Gabi! Your application for Police Officer has been accepted.
