Government Government Transparecy Report (December 20th - January 19th)

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Government Transparency Report

Department of State:

Minister: Tracefais
Deputy Minister: N/A

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

(Deputy Prime Minister Topte is leading the project management)
Currently coordinating with DoC to ensure the Arenas/Facilities needed are constructed, as well as with DoPA leadership (Spill and Dwerpy on Event Management).
The Olympic Events that will be held in Stratham were finalised and are as follows:
- MMA Pvp
- Archery
- Horse Racing
- Parkour
Coordinations are currently underway with other foreign nation participants on the events they will hold and on Olympic planning

Foreign Relations
Stratham-Redmont Summit
Stratham Representatives (Prime Minister Krix, Deputy Prime Minister Topte & Ambassador Gab) met with
Redmont Representatives (President 218218Consumer, Vice President lilDigiVert and Ambassador Muffins29) in the Newly Constructed Capitol and discussed:
- Potential U.N. restructuring
- How to Expand upon Foreign Relations
- General Relations between our two nations.

Harlon Foreign Relations Development
Special Advisor Kawaibab was officially appointed as Ambassador to Harlon, which was crucial for laying the groundwork in this new relationship.
Prime Minister Krix coordinated with Harlon Leadership and secured a prime site in Harlon's Capitol for the location of Stratham's future Embassy which will be constructed by the DoC in the near future.

Election Reform:
Parliament Passed a Bill that shorted the election cycle to be a 1-week long process. This will be extremely beneficial going forward as Government officials can spend less time campaigning and more time governing.

Goals for the Term:
City Relations / Commission Implementation
- Reform the City Advisor role into a City Commissioner Role. Which would better intend the purpose of the role going forward.
- Establish DoS Commission Buildings in each City which the City Commissioner would operate out of and all Government-City communications/relations would be managed through.
- Commission will audit Mayor and the City Government on monthly basis and will ideally receive a city reports from the Mayor detailing current projects as well as future plans, these will be crucial for strengthening ties between cities and the government going forward.

Coordinate with Cantonwan's Mayor to potentially purchase the city back and close it in order to centralize the player base in the other cities.

Department of Construction:

Minister: C0nnar
Deputy Minister: N/A

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

Queen Street Project
The Queen Street renovation project is a project in the works that will overhaul the Area surrounding the most historic area of the city, Queen Street. The Project is currently being worked on in the construction world and is estimated to be 35-40% complete as of today.

SSA Complex
The Stratham Sporting Association Complex will be located south of Capitol City, It will be comprised of arenas and facilities for every sporting event in Stratham and will serve as the location in which the Olympics will be hosted should it be complete in time, the project is currently being managed by DPM Topte who is comprising a list of the facilities we will need and is sourcing buildings from across the server to be within this complex, as well as coordinating with the DoC on what new facilities need to be constructed.

Capitol Renovation
The Capitol Building Renovation is being managed by PM Krix who is updating the building independently, The interior is in the process of being completely renovated and the project is nearly completely done.

Construction Minister C0nnar personally built a new Classical University which can be found in the heart of Capitol City.

Post Office
A Post Office is being constructed currently in the built world and One is complete, the department management is currently debating which Post office to opt for as the Central Post Office in Capitol City.

Constructor Hiring
The Department Hired 4 New Construction Interns and promoted 1 Current Intern to Constructor.

Goals for the Term:
Property Inspector Hiring/City Activity Management
The Department of Construction is currently understaffed and needs to hire more Property Inspectors going forward to ensure that Plots across Capitol City are being monitored to ensure progress is being made and are being maintained to a reasonable standard.

Police Station
Build a New Central Police Station in south Capitol City to accommodate for an increased number of jail cells as well as to offer more facilities administratively to the department in the form of meeting rooms, training facilities, and offices.

City Zoning
The Potential Implementation of Citywide zoning and districts, This would help encourage businesses and other sectors to be located in specific areas making the city easier for players to navigate. This plan would encompass land acquisitions as well as building relocations.

Prime Ministerial Residence
The Construction of a Building for the Executive Branch to formally operate out of is now needed with the Capitol renovations transforming the building into a solely legislative facility.
DoS Complex
The Current DoS Building is extremely small and the department is fitting up a far larger building, aswell as this with more embassies being located in the city the plan is to have a dedicated DoS Complex with all these facilities in close proximity to one another.

Department of Agriculture:

Minister: Mickichu
Deputy Minister: PinkPanda_

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

Westridge Terraforming Project
The DoA has actively been working terraforming the former city of Westridge to make the terrain natural once again.
This has been a major project for the DoA for over a month and has been successful thus far, the project is almost complete.

Highway Greenworks Programme
The DoA has just begun the initial planning stages for the Highway Greenworks project which will begin shortly, This will be an excellent way for new Rangers to practice terraforming and will provide the borders of our highways with natural beauty such as trees, vegetation , rest stops, and other landmarks.

Goals for the Term:
Farming District Relocation
The Farming District will be moved to a location south of the National Park in order to make way for a future city suburbs relocation project, this process will take place gradually and after the Westridge Terafforming project has been complete.

Animal Shelter Redesign
The Animal Shelter needs to be redesigned to better suit its intended purpose and provide a natural setting for each animal it houses,
The redesign would include outdoor facilities for Horses and Mules aswell as an enclosure for Parrots.

The Zoo is a long-standing building and is in need of a renovation to include new and more natural enclosures for the exotic animals it houses, a renovated zoo would additionally become an attractive recreational facility for citizens to visit.

Department of Health:

Minister: Topte
Deputy Minister: N/A

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

New Hospital Secretaries
Two new Hospital Secretaries were hired into the department on the 12th of January bringing the total up to three Hospital Secretaries.

Info Channel Set up in the DoH Discord.
The Info channel was set up in the DoH discord in order to better inform Department employees of their responsibilities and the department's
hierarchy. This channel will be released soon upon being fully organized and embedded.

Reformed Patient Penalty System
The Process is as follows:
Patient Abuses Sign > Doctor sends a picture of abuse in DoH discord > This is then logged by Hospital Secretary.

Goals for the Term:
Implementation of an untrained Doctor role
This would be a new role created in which new department employees obtain upon passing the Doctor exam, once they have been trained by a Hospital Secretary they would then receive the Doctor role.

Update Doctor Guide
The Doctor Guide is in need of updating to include Department Protocols and a Code of Conduct.

Doctor Time Zone Sheet
The Doctor Time zone sheet would be an effective way of tracking in what timezones do we have doctors and in what time zones we do not, this information could then be used to strategically have the Doctor exam opened in time zones where we are lacking doctors.

Department of Justice:

Minister: Vacant
Deputy Minister: Nightmare98765

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

Implementation of the Infraction/Commendation System
Infractions are formal warnings given to police officers for misconduct, they are a way of ensuring police officers are held accountable.
Commendations are a way of formally recognizing members of the Department for Excellent service while fulfilling their duties.

Drill Sergeant Role
The Drill Sergeant role was implemented early on in the new term as a way of ensuring all newly hired cadets go through the same training procedure and that there are Officers who specialize in training, There is currently one Drill Sergeant within the Department and it has been extremely successful thus far.

The Department of Justice has hired 5 new Police Officers and has promoted 1 New Sergeant since the 20th of December.

Employee Private Channels
Private Channels were set up within the DoJ discord between all department members and management as a means of communicating privately with officers.

Cadet Hiring Process
The Cadet Hiring Process was transitioned over from an in-game exam to the Department of Justice discord, this was in order to make it easier to hold police cadets accountable and as a means of making communication and training easier.

Goals for the Term:

Establish a Police Code of Conduct and a Police Cadet Guide.

Training Sessions/Guide
Implementation of a Training Guide which Sergeants can use as a reference while training cadets (This will ensure all POs are fully aware of their job and how to handle situations)
Implementation of Department Open and Closed Communal Training Sessions in which Cadets and Police Officers can attend, aswell as members of the public if it is an open session.

Department of Public Affairs:

Minister: IsaacSpill
Deputy Minister: N/A

Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

Event Quota
The Department of Public Affairs implemeneted a miniumum quota of 2 events to be held per Event Planner to increase the number of events being held on a mont

Department Reorganisation
The Department of Public Affairs was restructured into sub departments, this essentially ment that there would be a single Head for each of the three sub departments Tour Guides, Event Planners and Social Advisors. Aswell as a Maximum of Two Senior Members within the sub departments.

Tour Guide Reform
Currently there are two ways for new players to receive tours upon joining the server, through tour guide tony or through a player tour guide.
The Department of Public Affairs is currently working on reforming this process to make player tour guides the primary option,. A new players tour can be a primary factor in determining whether or not we retain that player, and tour run by player tourguides rather than tony the tourguide are often far more personal as it allows for the new player to engage and ask questions as they are being toured, this helps the guide tailor the tour to their interests.
The Reforms will include a tour guide route map being drawn up, increased encouragement for players to become tour guides and incentivise productive tour guides by implmeneting a paid commission per tour.

Goals for the Term:

Hiring Social Advisors
The Department of Public Affairs is in need of more social advisors to increase the servers social media presence, this will help increase server exposure and help publicise server events.

Department of Economy:

Minister: Matthew100x
Deputy Minister: UnityMaster
Updates: (Complete/Currently BeingWorked On/Implemented)

Pruning Tax

Upon Parliament passing a pruning tax bill the DoE has successfully removed over 1 million krunas from circulation, from inactive player balances.

Business Grants
The DoE is currently working on making businesses more aware of the grants available to them as well as is planning on updating the grant system going forward.

Government Tenders
The Government Tenders initiative is a plan to purchase the number of blocks used in the construction of DoC projects, such as the blocks that were needed to renovate the Capitol. The Project will likely include tendering for resources needed to craft cures as well as potentially for vehicles in the future.

Implementation of the Central Insurance Agency
The Central Insurance Agency is an organization within the Central Bank that regualtes CIA verfied banks, it mitigates risk for verified player banks by protecting players and protects customers in verified player banks because deposits become protected.

Goals for the Term:

Business Registration
The DoE plans on implementing business registrations in order to have a way to track how many businesses are currently operational in the economy and in what industry, registered businesses would receive increased government aid and perks.

Job Exclusivity
Job Exclusivity would be the implementation of limiting the items you can sell in accordance with your exam job, for example only miners can sell ores. This project would additionally include a means for corporations offering a wide variety of product to be allowed to do so provided they hire employees in each exam job sector.
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