Denied happy_sheepy's application for police officer


- In-game name: happy_sheepy
- Age: (I'm not comfortable announcing this; I am age 10 - 20)
- Date joined server: about 2 months ago
- Current playtime: about 15 days
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I would like to become a police officer to make Business Craft a safer place. I will be sure to bring all people to justice and be sure to keep people from breaking the law. I find that while there is sometimes an online police officer, I find that a lot of the times that I am killed that there is no police officer online. I have been killed without consent many times and I understand how it feels. I would love to be part of the reason that all this killing stops. Business Craft is an amazing server, and has been my favorite since I found it, but I find that crime is slowly gnawing at its peace. I would love to help Business Craft be the best server that it can be, and as a police officer, I would try my best to make it happen.
- What can you bring to the Department: I am an active player, so because I play very often I will be able to stop crime more often and bring criminals to justice. I don't like to get mad at other players, and I am always trying to live up to my cheery name. I will try and be happy with everything I do.
- Additional Information: I would love to become a police officer, but I know that not everyone gets to be one. If I am not chosen to become a police officer, that is okay and I will accept that.


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Internal Development
Department of Health
Health Minister


Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I don't feel you're ready for this position.
