Denied HiddenSaint's application for Environment Manager

- In-game name: HiddenSaints
Age: 14
- Date joined server: I started playing a year ago and Then stopped and Started back up recently
- Current playtime: 14h 22m 26s
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I wan't to be a Environment Manager because I'm already running around in the wilderness cleaning things up such as abandoned buildings and others things.
- Additional Information:
Well, I just really want to help the environment and I want to help keep things looking nice around the Business craft world the best I can. And I want to help the Environment grow by planting tons of trees so there is no shortage of lumber.


flower girl
That’s nice that you want to help but I keep seeing people reporting you for PVPing in the city and I don’t think I can have an EM that breaks the law, you application has been denied. You may reapply in 30 days from this message.


flower girl
Kinda annoyed I had to wait that long.
I like to make sure my applicants are suited for the position by observing them for a while. I hadn't seen you on that much so I was taking my time to observe. If I don't know a player their application usually takes longer, that's just how it goes.
- In-game name: HiddenSaints
Age: 14
- Date joined server: I started playing a year ago and Then stopped and Started back up recently
- Current playtime: 1d 1h 11m 51s
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager: I wan't to be a Environment Manager because I really believe I can help the Environment by helping reclaim its land by planting trees and removing abandoned buildings.
- Additional Information: