Answered / Added Hospital Warp


Olefante recently suggested opening a hospital warp. I agree with this suggestion, because I recently broke my leg in-game and it was a bit annoying to go to the hospital - even though it was pretty close to spawn - because of the slowness. Also, some new players are unsure of how to get to the hospital and if a helpful player who knows that information isn't around to help them, an injured or sick person could be stuck without being able to get to the hospital. Although it is fairly self explanatory, I've seen many people struggling before myself or someone else stepped in to help. If this wouldn't be much trouble, I think this would be a useful thing I would like to see in Business Craft.


The Cookie Dealer
I personally always wanted a warp to the hospital, as its sort of annoying having to tell patients to wait for you while you walk to the hospital (Granted its not that far, but its still an amount of time)