Event Hunger Games!

Hunger Games!

What?: The Hunger Games (better known as survival games) is a well known survival game that is played by six players or more to receive a reward at the end.In the beginning six or more players will stand on the pedestals then have two choices: To run to the center to collect supplies, or run away.Do your best to survive, whether it is fight or flight. After a fifteen minute period players will be teleported back to the center where deathmatch will commence. Last player standing earns 1,500 krunas.

When?: January 26th, 2018 4 PM EST

Where?: Wilderness 1


1.No bringing in outside items.

2. No creating spawn points.

3. Once you are killed you are out.

Who to contact?: Contact xXphyscoclawXx in game or on discord (xXphyscoclawXx#2930) if you’d like to participate. Or respond to the forum thread saying a message similar to “I’d like to participate”.​