

parent company

current companies under KINC: Kostco, Global Banner Co, Green Initiative

owned by urKingKai

the parent company for multiple business endeavors that regard multiple markets.

current staff:

Soeki - KINC COO, EM, Brewer

Actlis - KINC CSO, EM, ES, Doctor

Shadowlink17 - Global Banner Co. Executive, KINC Staff, STG, Rancher

Hotshot80915 - KINC Staff, HS, Brewer

TripleA111 - KINC Staff, CC, Rancher

Vauxin - KINC Staff, Farmer

maddie_n - KINC Staff, Hunter, Global Custom Order Staff

popgay - KINC Staff, Hunter

owned by urKingKai
  • Company Owner: urkingkai

  • Company description:

  • the company mirrors C*stco in real life... We are a bulk supply company that sells supplies to regular players and companies for a wholesale price.

  • Kostco is on the 2nd floor of Tmall and is currently under the parent company KINC. Kostco is working on a 2nd location near spawn and other locations in other cities.

Global, Banner Co.

formerly known as Georgia's Banners

Company owner: urkingkai

Company description:
Global is a banner making company. Global prides itself on making high-quality banners both accessible and affordable worldwide!

Green Initiative

company owner: urKingKai

Company description:

An organization dedicated to helping companies and individuals become more sustainable and ethical. Educates players and companies on efficiency and sustainability. Educates players on the in-game and IRL connections regarding clear-cutting of forests, loss of habitat, etc. Rewards companies that abide by laws regarding animals and villagers. Also rewards companies for being sustainable like using tree farms rather than clear-cutting forests, covering up old quarries, etc.
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