Accepted kinkboob's Application for Police Officer


- In-game name: kinkboob
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: August 2020 (/jd was changed)
- Current playtime:21 days and 8.5 hours
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I would like to become a police officer because I heard that the department was looking for active players. I am very active, and I feel like I would be a good police officer. I want to be able to help stop crime on the server, and seeing that we may be getting guns soon, I don't want the current police officers to have too much stress put on them. Although I have said in the past that police officer seems like a stressful job, I have warmed up to the idea of being a police officer. I am also a doctor, which I think is a good combination because I can help arrest people who repeatedly abuse the doctor sign. I have seen other police officers on the server and it even seems kind of fun.
- What can you bring to the Department: I am very active on the server (most active player, yikes) and love the community. I want to help deal with trolls and feel like this is a good job for that. I think that the department needs more police officers, and I believe that I would be a good addition. I have not committed many crimes on the server besides murdering my friends a couple times, and that was a while ago. As previously mentioned, as a doctor, I can also help issue punishments to sign abusers.
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading <3


Minister of State
Minister of State
Department of Internal Development
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
State Minister
Good luck boob!


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
good luck loserboob