Bill: Accepted Land And Government Region Act

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Staff member
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister
Land And Government Region Act


Establish proper guidelines for Land and Region reporting

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Land And Government Region Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage of this bill.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Revised the Government Land Act to coexist with the Capital Property Laws Act.

Section 4. Capital Land

(1) Players may not own more than three plots that reside within the Capital.
  1. Players that violate this shall be subject to eviction.
  2. Players that violate this shall be given a one-week courtesy notice to rectify this before eviction can take place.
  3. This does not include Suburbs, Mansion, or Industrial area plots.
(2) No citizen shall rent Government Rental regions within the Capital City while failing to maintain a 6-hour active playtime.
(a) Government rental regions are defined as - plots or buildings rented out by the government to citizens for specific purposes, including but not limited to commercial, residential, or industrial use.
(b) Rent/Renter are defined as a player who rents from a property.
(3) Citizens may not modify the prebuilt structure of any government rental region unless expressly permitted by the Minister of Internal Development.
(4) Government Buildings with rule boards must be followed by tenants / occupants, Failure to follow rule boards may be fined and/or rental region removed.
  1. Rule boards must state whether the action is finable or punishable by rental region being removed from a citizen.
(5) The Department of Internal Development is responsible for the management and oversight of government rental regions.
(7) Failure to comply with the regulations of government rental regions will result in eviction, following the procedures outlined in Section 5 of this Act.

Section 5. Eviction Enforcement

(1) The Department of Internal Development shall be responsible for ensuring the process of eviction through the employment of Property Inspectors.
(2) Property Inspectors are empowered to inspect the region to ensure a player isn't in breach of this act.
(3) The Process of Eviction is as follows:
  1. A Property Inspector shall investigate a plot or region to ensure it follows all Regulations and rules.
  2. If found to breach this act, The Property Inspector shall notify the Renter of Regulations and rules broken and politely ask the Renter to fix any violations of this act.
  3. If the violations are not rectified after 3 days, the Property Inspector shall create an eviction request on the forums for immediate eviction from the Rental Region.
  4. It shall be then the duty of the Staff Team to ensure the eviction takes place and the Property Inspector is duly compensated for their work.
(a) A Property Inspector may not abuse this right at all, otherwise, they may face dismissal or prosecution.
(4) Property Inspectors shall receive compensation after the eviction of a Rental Region.

Section 6. Inactive Regions Wild

(1) Players shall be limited in owning Wild Regions based upon the following:
  1. One region that holds 20,000 blocks or less.
  2. Two regions that each hold 10,000 blocks or less.
(2) Players that require a Wild Region that exceeds the limits can request permission to do so to the Department of Economy.
  1. The only circumstances in which an exemption for the Wild Region Limit are for industrial use for business. Players that violate this will be subject to removal of their exemption.
(3) Players that have a /seen of a period of two months or longer shall be subject to eviction from their Wild Regions.

Rewritten by DoubbleKerius on behalf of The Government. (Contains Lines written by Poemhunter Government Land Report Act)
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Staff member
Prime Minister
Minister of Economy
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Prime Minister

This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.