Bill: Rejected Let all Players have access to placing mailboxes

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Title: Let all Players have access to placing mailboxes
Type of motion (Edit, removal, creation): Creation
Elaboration & Reasoning: I use the mail system a lot. Sometimes it gets tiring trying to walk all across town to the post office. I am sure other players have the same problem. This law would help players save time and place mailboxes wherever they want like stores and apartment buildings by using /mbox set. Then Admins could create mailboxes that everyone could use. This way the suburbs could have mailboxes that let you send and receive. Additionally, we could try some experimenting to make it possible to only send anything besides letters at the post office. But for anything else you can use other mailboxes.
What would benefit from this: Players trying to send mail will save lots of time when they have access in their residence or next door.
Other Information: Feel free to ask questions or comment below!
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Honorary Co-Founder
Honorary Co-Founder
I personally don't see this as something that should be implemented, as it's meant to be realistic (to an extent), not convenient. In real life if you want to send a letter, it's not like you can buy yourself a mailbox for your house, you have to go to a post office or a public postbox to post your letter. I think we could consider adding mailboxes within the city, but I don't think selling mailboxes is reasonable.


Staff member
I personally don't see this as something that should be implemented, as it's meant to be realistic (to an extent), not convenient. In real life if you want to send a letter, it's not like you can buy yourself a mailbox for your house, you have to go to a post office or a public postbox to post your letter. I think we could consider adding mailboxes within the city, but I don't think selling mailboxes is reasonable.
wait what? In the US literally everyone has a mailbox that they can send and receive letters from, thats what the flag on the side is for, you put it up for outgoing mail and down for receiving.


That One Dude
wait what? In the US literally everyone has a mailbox that they can send and receive letters from, thats what the flag on the side is for, you put it up for outgoing mail and down for receiving.

Can confirm! I haven't been out of the country, but I can say that not having a mailbox right next to your driveway would be very unusual!


Gucci Gang Veteran
Having mail boxes is usual, but you cant write a letter, put it in your own mail box, and expect it to be posted. Yes, I do believe that giving each house a mail box for receiving letters is a good idea, but the act of having to go to a local post office to post a letter should not change. Therefore, I would not accept this bill because it is truly un-realistic, as I believe Jake was trying to explain.


Having mail boxes is usual, but you cant write a letter, put it in your own mail box, and expect it to be posted. Yes, I do believe that giving each house a mail box for receiving letters is a good idea, but the act of having to go to a local post office to post a letter should not change. Therefore, I would not accept this bill because it is truly un-realistic, as I believe Jake was trying to explain.
Well how about instead of letting everyone get access to buying them we would place them in more public areas like the library, Mall, spawn, etc.?


I agree with Flappy. I think for sending letters they should have to go to the post office (We should add a new post office in the suburbs perhabs) and for receiving letters they could have a post box at their house. It could just be the chests that are currently on every suburb plot anyway. It would be realistic that you don't get mail delivered somewhere in the wild, and it might give people another small reason to want to own a suburb plot. I don't know if making a post box that only gives access to the Inbox but doesn't allow sending is possible though.


Staff member
With the current plugin, we can make the following:
  • Allow players to create an x amount of mailboxes (chest) by doing /mbox set. I believe these can be then used by everyone unless the chest is potentially locked (didn't test this)
  • Only Admins+ can create mailboxes that everyone can use. If so, the suburbs could have mailboxes then but it would function as the current one where you would be able to read/send everything. (This is what we have now with the current post office)
  • Additionally, I could try experimenting and making it so you have to be in the post office to send any other mail type besides letters but for anything else, you can use the other mailboxes.


With the current plugin, we can make the following:
  • Allow players to create an x amount of mailboxes (chest) by doing /mbox set. I believe these can be then used by everyone unless the chest is potentially locked (didn't test this)
  • Only Admins+ can create mailboxes that everyone can use. If so, the suburbs could have mailboxes then but it would function as the current one where you would be able to read/send everything. (This is what we have now with the current post office)
  • Additionally, I could try experimenting and making it so you have to be in the post office to send any other mail type besides letters but for anything else, you can use the other mailboxes.
Ok that is good I think I will do that.


Mayor of Covington
You can send letters in your mail box IRL... When the mailperson drops off mail in the morning they take the letter back to the post office when they're done with their run, and it's sent. However I'd like it if only suburb plots had mailboxes, and perhaps you could somehow buy one for your business headquarters as well.

There's a solution to this besides letting everyone craft mailboxes, which are phones. With phones you'd be able to Email people while they're offline, wherever you are. Suggestion can be found here:


You can send letters in your mail box IRL... When the mailperson drops off mail in the morning they take the letter back to the post office when they're done with their run, and it's sent. However I'd like it if only suburb plots had mailboxes, and perhaps you could somehow buy one for your business headquarters as well.

There's a solution to this besides letting everyone craft mailboxes, which are phones. With phones you'd be able to Email people while they're offline, wherever you are. Suggestion can be found here:
Yes Slime if this passes hopefully you would be able to place them in the suburbs or at your business.


I'd be for the second option. We place the mailboxes at each house so everybody has a personal one but we decide where they can be and where they can't. IRL you also have to have a registered address to receive and send mail after all, regardless of whether or not it only receives or also sends. This would also still mean they have to go to the city to send/receive something, since plots in the wild wouldn't get them.
If players were allowed to place them then it would first of all mean they can just change it to where they need it without trouble and secondly it would further encourage the "towns" that are being started everywhere since they could have mailboxes without actually being official cities.
If it should be possible I'd also like it if the mailboxes only work for letters.


I'd be for the second option. We place the mailboxes at each house so everybody has a personal one but we decide where they can be and where they can't. IRL you also have to have a registered address to receive and send mail after all, regardless of whether or not it only receives or also sends. This would also still mean they have to go to the city to send/receive something, since plots in the wild wouldn't get them.
If players were allowed to place them then it would first of all mean they can just change it to where they need it without trouble and secondly it would further encourage the "towns" that are being started everywhere since they could have mailboxes without actually being official cities.
If it should be possible I'd also like it if the mailboxes only work for letters.
Did u read it again because it says that we could hopefully make it able to where u can only send letters from your personal mailbox