Hiring LightningRealty

Lightning Realty will find you your perfect home and renovate it for you! We are hiring employees a personalist and a manager.

Send all job apps to PinkLightning#5634 on discord

Manager Requirements: At least 10 hours of play time and should be fairly compensated in dealing with money and people skills.

Play time:
Biggest weakness:
Why you want to become manager:
Can you handle stressful situations well?:
Any previous experience in business?:

Personalist Requirements: At least 8 hours of playtime, able to deal with stressful situations, has to take responsibility in managing employees.

Play time:
People skills (your opinion):
Why you applied for this position:
Able to deal with tough situations (your opinion):

Employee requirements: has to be hardworking and tough, needs to be able to carry out extremely physical tasks and be willing to get their hands dirty for 8 hours a day. There is no play time requirement as long as you are fairly educated on how to play the game.

Why you want to become an employee:
Biggest weakness:
Able to carry out stressful tasks:
Knowledge on crafting and building (1-10):

AbbytheUnicornAZ's application for Employee:
Why I want to be an employee:
I really want to work for this company! Plus, I think I am pretty good at building.
Biggest Weakness: Interior Decor, I am not the best at this, but I can still do pretty well!
Ability to carry out stressful Tasks: I think I can really deal with and cope with stress! Stress doesn't really get to me.
Knowledge on building: 7 1/2
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AbbytheUnicornAZ's application for Employee:
Why I want to be an employee:
I really want to work for this company! Plus, I think I am pretty good at building.
Biggest Weakness: Interior Decor, I am not the best at this, but I can still do pretty well!
Ability to carry out stressful Tasks: I think I can really deal with and cope with stress! Stress doesn't really get to me.
Knowledge on building: 7 1/2
Why you want to become an employee: I think that I have the adequate building skills to join a building company, and this company seemed like the perfect one!
Biggest weakness: Decorating a large empty area.
Able to carry out stressful tasks: Whenever confronted with a stressful situation, I always stay calm and try to find a solution.
Knowledge on crafting and building (1-10): 8


Nevermind Company still alive and your application is Under review
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Why you want to become an employee: I really want to become an employee because I always loved showing people houses and I really want to become a Real Estate Agent when I am old enough! I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing it because I think it would be fun!
Biggest weakness: When it comes to designing I don’t have any weaknesses.
Able to carry out stressful tasks: Yes because I always stay calm and I always look for a solution.
Knowledge on crafting and building (1-10): 9.5/10