Link Corp.


  • Name of the Company - The Link Corporation
  • Company Owner - Maxterpiece (Co-Owner), and NetPex (Co-Owner/Commercial Contractor)
  • Location of the Company Headquarters - bc-227 (right outside the blue waterfront bus)
  • Short description of your company: We are a Building/Real estate company. Later, we plan on going into supply.
  • Who is working for you in what positions? TheFabulousMiss is our Estate Contractor.
  • How can players buy from you or make use of your services? You can DM on discord, myself or NetPex (Maxterpiece#9988, NetPex|Justin#9387). We have 3 packages you can choose from; Gold, Diamond, and Emerald. Gold is the least expensive, and it means we build a building on your plot. Diamond means we sell you a plot, empty. Emerald means we sell you a plot with a building on it.