Accepted Marshmellow45’s application for Police Officer


- In-game name: Marshmellow45
- Age: 18
- Date joined server: 3/29/2020
- Current playtime: 12 days, 2 hours, 40 min.
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I want to be a Police Officer because I would like to help the Justice Department and BC community in this way. There has been several minor instances in which citizens acted aggressively and/or rashly, and I felt like something should be done but I was without the means to do so. I haven’t been on the BC server nearly as long as most others, but I still love to help the newer players by supporting their small businesses or just being a friend to them. So I would be very honored to be given a PO position where I can also help anyone that was wronged, in a lawful way, by upholding the rules and laws that have been established.
- What can you bring to the Department: I believe I can bring a certain level-headedness to any tense situations and act in a calm, but justified way, to resolve any problem. I am online pretty often so I would be sure to take a Police Officer position seriously, but also bring a light-hearted atmosphere to the department. I love to serve the government, and help other players with any dilemmas, while also upholding the server laws and rules. so that is why I believe I would be a positive addition to the Justice Department.
- Additional Information: I was recommended to apply for the Police Officer position by ReaperEduardo, and I really appreciate the time you take to vet any applications! :) No matter the outcome I will keep helping the Business Craft community in any way possible.
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Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction


Congratulations, Marshmellow45! Your application for Police Officer has been accepted.
