Server Suggestion McMMO - Excavation sub skill Archaeology


Department of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
From what I understand the sub skill for excavation called archaeology has not been edited to include any drops, From what I understand from the wiki staff would have to edit drops as well as drop rates, I would like to suggest including this sub skill to the miner job.
A few things I'd like to see as archaeology drops would be "treasure" items, Such as heart of the sea, Certain music discs, Name tags, Pottery items and upgrade templates, I also think including custom server items such as aquamarine gems and other items would be beneficial for the miner job.
When it comes to the music discs I mentioned I believe those exclusive to treasure chests would be ideal to include, Not the ones from the creeper drop pool.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
Don't forget the suggestion format <3
- Username:
- Suggestion Title:
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No):
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information:


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
From what I understand the sub skill for excavation called archaeology has not been edited to include any drops, From what I understand from the wiki staff would have to edit drops as well as drop rates, I would like to suggest including this sub skill to the miner job.
A few things I'd like to see as archaeology drops would be "treasure" items, Such as heart of the sea, Certain music discs, Name tags, Pottery items and upgrade templates, I also think including custom server items such as aquamarine gems and other items would be beneficial for the miner job.
When it comes to the music discs I mentioned I believe those exclusive to treasure chests would be ideal to include, Not the ones from the creeper drop pool.
These already exists. You need to use a shovel and dig dirt, sand, etc. You need the Miner Job class as well. Works for me as of today. :)