Rescinded Medical Regulations Act


Department of State
Department of State
Medical Regulations Act


Establish proper regulations for medical objects

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Medical Regulations Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Establishing Medical Laws is important

Section 4. Regulation

(1) No player may sell Hospital Medical Supplies outside of a designated medical region.

(2) No player may give medical treatment outside of designated medical regions.

(3) No player may refuse medical treatment if infected with a disease classified as contagious.

(4) Doctors may request a Police Officer to handcuff a player refusing treatment to administer treatment.

(5) No Medical Professional may sell more than one cure to a patient within a single visit.

(6) No player may possess Hospital Medical Supplies in excess of one.

(7) A pharmacist may only sell items currently for sale in the hospital pharmacy.

(8) Members of the Stratham Health Board and Doctors shall be defined as medical professionals.

(9) The Prime Minister may grant exclusions to this law to certain players to test certain aspects of the disease plugin.
(10) The following shall be classified as Hospital Medical Supplies.
  1. Brightwater
  2. Bitterwort
  3. Sweetbrine
  4. Lycan Potion
  5. Blackbrew
  6. Sweetwort
  7. Smoothwater
  8. Ironroot Potion
Section 5. Punishment

(1) Selling of Hospital Medical Supplies
  1. 1st offense: Confiscation of supplies and 250kr fine.
  2. 2nd offense: Confiscation of supplies and 450kr fine.
  3. 3rd offense: Confiscation of supplies, 750kr fine, and 5 minutes jail time.
(2) Medical treatment outside of designated medical regions
  1. 1st offense: 300kr fine.
  2. 2nd offense: 500kr fine and 5 minutes jail time.
  3. 3rd offense: 1000kr fine, 5 minutes jail time, and termination from Doctor (if employed).
(3) Refusing treatment for an infectious disease
  1. 1st offense: Fine equal to the cost of treatment, 200kr fine per player infected, 250kr fine, and 5 minutes jail time.
  2. 2nd offense: Fine equal to the cost of treatment, 250kr fine per player infected, 750kr fine, and 5 minutes jail time.
  3. 3rd offense: Fine equal to the cost of treatment, 300kr fine per player infected, 1250kr fine, and 10 minutes jail time.
(4) Medical professionals selling more than one cure to a patient in one visit
  1. 1st offense: 500kr fine.
  2. 2nd offense: 1000kr fine.
  3. 3rd offense: 1500kr fine and termination from Doctor.
(5) Non-medical professionals distributing Hospital Medical Supplies
  1. 1st offense: 500kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
  2. 2nd offense: 600kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
  3. 3rd offense: 750kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 10 minutes of jail time.
(6) Non-medical professionals selling Hospital Medical Supplies
  1. 1st offense: 550kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies
  2. 2nd offense: 750kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 5 minutes jail time.
  3. 3rd offense: 1050kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies, and 10 minutes of jail time.
(7) Possession of Hospital Medical supplies in excess of 1
  1. 1st offense: 250kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
  2. 2nd offense: 500kr fine and confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
  3. 3rd offense: 650kr fine, confiscation of Hospital Medical Supplies.
Authored by Ryan_88 on behalf of themselves.

P. Hunter


This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.