Denied Meepdameep123's application for Police Officer

- In-game name: Meepdameep123
- Age: 14
- Date joined server: 7/31/2020
- Current playtime: 26 days
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I would like to be a police officer because I like the job and I feel I can bring justice when there might not be any. Sometimes I play and I see people getting killed without consent. This is a big problem because the person might of wanted justice and action because they were killed without consent, but there is not a unlimited amount of police officers and not all crimes are resolved. I will always to the best of my ability bring justice to all cases no matter how big or small.
- What can you bring to the Department: I am active everyday. I play around 2-4 hours a day. My playtime is up 16 days since in the last month and I would love to help out in the Justice Department and make BC better. Due to my active playtime I could bring justice to BC when there might not be any.
- Additional Information: Thank you for reading this :) and I hope that I get accepted and make BC better it already is :D


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Internal Development
Department of Health
Health Minister


Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


We aren't looking for any more applicants, unfortunately.
