Accepted MrSpill's Application for Community Coordinator


your local wawa Moderator boy
- In-game name:

- Age:

- Date joined server:

- Current playtime:
5 days 10 hours

- Role you're applying for:
Community Coordinator

- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator:
As a Tour Guide, I have been exposed to the ideas that the player base of the server want to see, and I have seen what keeps them engaged. I have an overwhelming desire to serve the people and see them active on the server. As a newer member, I have seen and had the struggle of getting started, setting your roots in a city, and talking to new people. I want to especially represent and help the newer members of the server and give them incentives to help retain their interest and engagement with businesscraft. I believe that our presence and interactions with players is vital, and I already do that as tour guide, however, I want to be in the position to be able to act on their interests by 1) Listening to feedback and guidance from the people. 2) Generalizing the most prominent feedback into one idea, and 3) Bringing that idea into fruition by planning a change, event, or incentive for the players.

- What can you bring to the Department:
In real life, I have and still work in the customer service industry as a regular associate and manager. In my experience, I have performed the functions that Community Coordinators do on Businesscraft by conducting surveys of customer experience, satisfaction, and work performance. I also am a member of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, where I hold the position of Master at Arms. In this position I am in charge of the accountability, security, and discipline of cadets. Each drill day, I make a plan of action and lead my subordinates in the execution of it. During my time on the server, I have made friends with several people, became a Tour Guide, and joined Georgia's Banners as COO. With these experiences, I can bring commitment, friendliness, responsibility, and high performance. Currently planning my wedding with Georgia:

- Additional Information:
Thank you for your time. Also thank you to urKingKai, Georgialover13, and Garmen for encouraging me to apply and being great friends.
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Congratulations, MrSpill! Your application for Community Coordinator has been accepted.
