Answered / Added My Suggestions

Hi, whoever is reading this! I have a few suggestions. First off, we should be able to maybe test drive a car/bike for like 5 mins, and the higher the price the less time u have for a test drive. Moving onto the second one, you should add a /marry plugin/command so that players can marry each other even though like no one likes seeing people get married in MC (including me .-.). Here is the plugin name: Marriage Master Plugin link: Plugin basic info.: The plugin allows players to get married using the /marry command. If the player/players don't want to be married anymore/don't like being married or don't like being married they can divorce with the /divorce command. This plugin is useful for role play servers so the players can do what they want with marriage and stuff...Why the plugin should be added: I think this plugin should be added because the server is a role play server and it's one thing all RP servers need! OK, last suggestion. There should be a pet shop, instead of /pet. It would allow players to buy pets from it and get stuff for their pets like a cage, bed, or even food/treats! Like for example, a parrot could get seeds, or a cage, and maybe even some comfy covering for its cage! And a dog/wolf could get a nice new bed with a tasty bone. And maybe the wolves could come in different colors by any chance. Thanks for reading my suggestions!



The first suggestion doesn't make sense. Why would a car/bike get more expensive as you ride it? For the second suggestion, there has already been a marriage plugin suggested and the answer was NO because it promoted underage marriage. The third suggestion.. I like it!


That One Dude
The first suggestion doesn't make sense. Why would a car/bike get more expensive as you ride it? For the second suggestion, there has already been a marriage plugin suggested and the answer was NO because it promoted underage marriage. The third
suggestion.. I like it!

Agreed 100%!


Honorary Co-Founder
Honorary Co-Founder
1. First suggestion, I don't see how this is useful, nor do I see it being possible with our current plugin.
2. We've already had a marriage plugin suggested and we've previously denied it.
3. I like this, however I'll have to check if this is compatible with our pets plugin. I'll look into this.
Thank you for your suggestions :)