Rescinded Omnibus Election Acts


Omnibus Election Acts


The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Omnibus Election Acts.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All Provisions shall come into effect upon passage.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) With new activity requirements, we will have many more players interested in political positions. With a larger pool of candidates to choose our government will get higher quality and more active leaders.

Section 4. Constitutional Amendments

(1) Parliament Changes
(a) Section 1 | Powers of Parliament
(I) The Legislative Branch is composed of the Parliament which all legislative power is vested in.
(A) Parliament consists of 9 elected members referred to as Members of Parliament, commonly abbreviated MP.
(B) Members of Parliament are elected to serve for 3 months. Collectively, Members of Parliament are tasked with representing the will of the people.
(b) Section 2 | Election and Replacement of Members of Parliament

(III) No person shall serve as a Member of Parliament without meeting the following requirements;
(A) Having joined the server at least four weeks prior to the start of the election.
(B) At least twelve hours of playtime in the past 30 days.
(C) Being active in-game, forums, and discord.

(IV) The election of Members of Parliament shall;
(A) Take place every three months beginning on the fourth day of the month and ending on the eighth day of the month.
(B) The time for declarations of candidacy shall take place on the fourth and fifth days of the month and shall last for no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(C) The time for voting shall take place on the sixth and seventh days of the month and shall last no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(D) In the election, voters shall cast up to seven (7) votes and the nine (9) candidates with the most votes, at the end of voting, shall be elected to the Parliament of Stratham.
(E) The results of the election shall be announced at the end of the seventh day of the month and no later than the end of the eighth day of the month.
(1) If a tie should arise between two or more candidates for the ninth seat, a second election shall be held between the two or more candidates who are tied to determine which shall be elected to the ninth seat.
(2) Elected Members of Parliament shall be sworn in no later than the ninth day of the month.

(2) Executive Changes
(a) Section 1 | The Prime Minister & The Deputy Prime Minister
(V) The requirements for the Prime Minister are as follows:
(A) Having a playtime of at least 2 days in the 30 days prior to the beginning of the election cycle and a total playtime greater than 10 days.
(B) Having 4 months passed between their join date and their official appointment,
(C) Have served capacity in any of the senior government positions within the past 90 days (eg. MP, Minister, Judge) prior to becoming PM.
(VI) The requirements for the Deputy Prime Minister are as follows:
(A) Having a playtime of at least 1 day in the 30 days prior to the beginning of the election cycle.
(B) Having 4 months passed between their join date and their official appointment,
(C) Have served capacity in any of the senior government positions (eg. MP, Minister, Judge) prior to becoming DPM.

(b) Section 2 | The Elections

(VII) The election of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall;
(A) Take place every three months beginning on the first day of the month and ending on the fourth day of the month.
(B) The time for declarations of candidacy shall take place on the first and second days of the month and shall last for no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(C) The time for voting shall take place on the third and fourth days of the month and shall last no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(D) The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be elected on a joint ticket.
(D) In the election, voters shall cast one vote for their preferred ticket and the ticket with the most votes, at the end of voting, shall be elected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.
(E) The results of the election shall be announced at the end of the fourth day of the month and no later than the end of the fifth day of the month.
(1) If the event should arise in which no candidate achieves a majority vote share (50%+1), a second election shall be held on the fourth and fifth days of the month between the two candidates with the largest vote share to determine which shall be elected.
(2) The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be sworn in no later than the ninth day of the month.

Section 5. Voting Rights
(1) In order to be eligible to vote in a parliament or prime minister election, you must meet the following requirements;
(a) Have a join date of longer than 14 days ago.
(b) Have 8 hours of playtime in the past 30 days.
(c) Have their Minecraft account linked to the BC forums.
(2) Establish a Do Not Call List.
(a) Players may request that their name be put on the Do Not Call List (DNCL).
(b) Names on the DNCL may not be solicited for political purposes.
(c) The Department of State shall be the authority overseeing the DNCL.

Authored by Unitymaster on behalf of the Government.
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This bill has received Prime Ministerial approval.