Upon the closure of the polls, the Senior Administration has moved the election thread to a private forum category to have the votes vetted for their validity. Here are the official results of the election:
Dwerpy 37 Votes
Dusty_3 33 Votes
xAntho_ny 30 Votes
UnityMaster 29 Votes
stinkycow 29 Votes
Poemhunter 28 Votes
MegaMinerM 26 Votes
FlamingNinja728 24 Votes
supersuperking 24 Votes
Syronic 22 Votes
xDuckiix 19 Votes
Decidous 19 Votes
P_Gabor 15 Votes
ValuableCow 15 Votes
Psypio 7 Votes
seanboi 5 Votes
Total: 82 Votes --> 66 Votes (-16)
On behalf of the Minister of State, the election has now been concluded. There will be a formal inauguration of the new Prime Minister/Deputy Prime Minister at 6pm EST today, which is when the new 9 MPs will also take office.