Petition for Removal of Westwood Council Member

Should this city council member be removed?

  • Aye

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Nay

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Username: Fhlown
Title of bill: [Westwood - Council Elections] Removal of Council Member
Why you are against/in favor of the bill:
As a few of you may know in the past BlitzBlaze41 was previously co-mayor of Westwood with me. He later resigned from the position, leaving me as mayor of Westwood, claiming he had too much going on to handle it. He later asked to once again be co-mayor with me, and I allowed him.
He later came to be apart of several very important positions within the server alongside being mayor and other jobs. He resigned once again from all other jobs and mayor, stating it was too much to handle and too much responsibility. Later on he came back to me, asking me to sell Westwood to someone else, or hand the entire project over to him on two different occasions. I declined both, and he went on about how everyone though Westwood was going downhill, including the admins, even after a survey was published through the city on the forums, with the ability to stay anon, and all feedback was positive and contradicted his statement. It wasn't until after I was removed from my position as mayor of Westwood did he say on forums "and I was pushed away from it all", along with stating in Westwoods discord "I stopped participating because my opinion was not appreciated[...]If the city was so great then how come half the server doesn’t even know it exists".
The only real input he gave to Westwood was helping with tearing down the original city hall and building the hospital. He did not help with another thing after that was built. He gave no input or opinions on anything else and rarely visited the city.
All throughout this little work was done by him and it wasn't until I was in a different position did he choose to relay his true feelings about the work and changes done in Westwood. He never brought up feeling excluded, or talking about any plans or thoughts about the city. He had little contact with me and didn't communicate anything with me. Through this, not only me but a few others feel he is not fit for the job as councilor in Westwood. He does not handle many responsibilities well and when given positions he does little work.

What you wish to accomplish with this: We hope to have Blitz removed from position as council member in Westwood.


I would like to say that this petition seems purely out of hate. You are basing this all off of the past, and you have not given me time to show what I am capable of now. I was just elected into the council yesterday, so I haven't even been able to do anything yet. If you believe that I am a threat to the city in a few weeks, then I invite you to try and remove me again. Right now, I promise to everyone that I will do my very best to run and improve the city of Westwood alongside my fellow councillors.


As I stated in political discussion under discord, in the past, even the past two weeks, you have said things that were not true. This petition is not out of hate, not even in the least. I care about Westwood's future, even if you claim I don't. People judge the future based on past actions.


"I stopped participating because my opinion was not appreciated"
"Many people did not agree with how the city was run, and you refused to change anything"
"People asked for you to resign due to the lack of progress and such"
"things started to fall apart and I was pushed away from it all"
Not only did you not once voice your opinion or give any input on ideas, you never even said anything in the first place. You did not communicate, you did not talk to anyone. You hid away after resigning and me declining to hand the city over to you or sell it. You do not need to be saying stuff like this when you didn't even speak, you did not speak to me or metal or any other person participating in the city other than to ask me to sell or give it away. Any feedback given to me through other people were all positive and nothing had been said about complaints in the way the city was being run, lack of progress, etc.


I would like to say that every single one of those quotes are certainly true, and I attempted to communicate, I did give my ideas, and nothing happened. I tried to start projects like the Westwood suburbs, and where were you? You city employees admit you rarely asked for their help, and you preferred to do things on your own. Because you tried to do everything on your own and the way you wanted it, the city made minimal progress and had to be taken out of your hands. I don't appreciate all the lies Fhlown. All you did was write up a paragraph and accuse me of being a bad person because few people know what really went down, leading many people to believe what you all said about me was true when its not.


Really blitz? I got no notification of lack of progress from anyone until it was taken away from me. You never once voiced your opinions, and when you did it was far before you had resigned from the position and I had agreed with everyone. Clearly you just want to fight, especially after last night when I originally asked you to stop talking to me until today, and you didn't listen, I warned you a second time, and William and puppy had to intervene to stop you. Even after that you continued messaging me. From this this clearly shows me you cant listen to requests given and youre just wanting drama from all of this. How are you supposed to hand being a councilor for the above reasons and the fact that you still cant listen?


I feel like he’s not looking for a fight. It seems all he wants is you to see his performance in the city over the first few weeks of development, as it was unfair for you to file this petition the day after he’s elected, as the other councilers by them haven’t done shit for the city either. It would be unfair to file a petition against all of them the day after when they’ve had little chance to begin visible progress.
He’s just trying to defend himself to try to show everyone the changes in his ability to commit himself. And if what he said it’s true, which I feel it is, he wants to actually make a difference in the city and not be forced to sit in the corner not being heard. I don’t really see why you can’t just give him a chance to actually do something in the city development so we can see how he performs now, and base this off of now, not the past.


I feel like he’s not looking for a fight. It seems all he wants is you to see his performance in the city over the first few weeks of development, as it was unfair for you to file this petition the day after he’s elected, as the other councilers by them haven’t done shit for the city either. It would be unfair to file a petition against all of them the day after when they’ve had little chance to begin visible progress.
He’s just trying to defend himself to try to show everyone the changes in his ability to commit himself. And if what he said it’s true, which I feel it is, he wants to actually make a difference in the city and not be forced to sit in the corner not being heard. I don’t really see why you can’t just give him a chance to actually do something in the city development so we can see how he performs now, and base this off of now, not the past.
Honestly, this. You can only guess a man's future based on his past.


The Airplane Guy
I, A1phaSniper, Fully support this petition and Fhlown's perspective on this situation. After constantly insulting the town, why is he fit to be apart of it now?


I, A1phaSniper, Fully support this petition and Fhlown's perspective on this situation. After constantly insulting the town, why is he fit to be apart of it now?
There's a difference between insulting the city and the management of the city


flower girl
I think it’s wrong to say Fhlown is doing this because she “hates” you. Fhlown made this petition because she cares about the future of the city and she doesn’t hate you at all. I know it seems unfair because it feels like people aren’t giving you a chance, but you cannot blame them for feeling this way because of your past. Yes people can change, that’s definitely true, but you need to show evidence before going into an important role or else people will question you and your abilities.
I agree that people deserve second chances, but you also need to be aware that the more chances you take (this is not your second one) the harder it gets for people to believe in your abilities.
You’re a good person Blitz and I think you will grow as time goes on but I did have to agree with the majority on this one.