Denied PracticeTyping's Application for Police Officer

- In-game name: PracticeTyping
- Age: 14
- Date joined server: 6 months
- Current playtime: 10d 10h 5m 58s
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I wish to be a Police Officer to the Department as I miss the old times that I had as a Police Officer. I wish to become one again and give help to those in need.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring activity, experience, and kindness to the department. I can bring all these things daily and help bring people to justice while making others smile :)!
- Additional Information: No additional information :).




Sorry, your application for Police Officer has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Litte more active before joining again
