Accepted puppy_lover153's Application for Hospital Secretary


- In-game name: puppy_lover153
- Age: 16
- Date joined server: 4 months ago
- Current playtime: 19 days, 7 hours, and 58 minutes
- How long have you been a Doctor: Around three months or so
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: Ever since I joined the DoH, I've always been prompt and quick about taking in calls and helping patients. Although, I often see new Doctors that aren't sure of what to do. For a while, I haven't done anything about it. Although, about a month or so ago, I've started to voluntarily train new Doctors. I figured that since I've been an experienced Doctor for a while, that I had the capabilities to inform new Doctors of the responsibilities that came with the job. I then found out that I've been extremely helpful to new Doctors and I just continued to train new Doctors. It then became a hobby of mine to train Doctors whenever I was available. I'm very thorough when I gave Doctors these trainings, even though they weren't official, I was glad I was able to help. I never considered the Hospital Secretary job until Catch brought it up to my attention recently. I never thought that I could've been capable of doing more for my department. I was still hesitant about applying until Catch recommended that I should. Therefore, I've decided that I wanted to apply for Hospital Secretary because I want to be more involved in the DoH and to continue to train new Doctors.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring my experience as a Doctor, my dedication, and my hard work into the DoH. I'm also a PO and am very familiar with the laws that involve the DoH.
- Additional Information: I'd just like to thank Catch for recommending me for this position. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have considered applying in the first place. Thank you for taking the time to review my application.