I want to join
So... What's going to happen to my gift?1. Bangladesh150 BUYS FOR DerpGaming20YT.
2. Libnah BUYS FOR ThatDragonGirl.
3. 13FluffyBunny BUYS FOR MrShark51 .
4. CatchEmAll1 BUYS FOR litnerd.
5. MrShark51 BUYS FOR 13FluffyBunny.
6. Cold_Dreams BUYS FOR CatchEmAll1.
7. litnerd BUYS FOR Libnah.
8. Olefante BUYS FOR Noodlekitten.
9. Vroomba BUYS FOR Endeav0r.
10. wdeerman BUYS FOR SacredCloud.
11. Noodlekitten BUYS FOR Bangladesh150.
12. BlitzBlaze41 BUYS FOR Ferre007.
13. SweetGamer23 BUYS FOR BlitzBlaze41.
14. Endeav0r BUYS FOR PoonMichael.
15. A1phaSniper BUYS FOR Olefante.
16. ThatDragonGirl BUYS FOR A1phaSniper.
17. PendingChristmas BUYS FOR Cold_Dreams.
18. DerpGaming20YT BUYS FOR Hamousprime.
19. SacredCloud BUYS FOR SweetGamer23.
20. Hamousprime BUYS FOR Vroomba.
21. Ferre007 BUYS FOR PendingChristmas.
22. xXphyscoclawXx BUYS FOR Bharatj.
23. Dwimmer (was banned but gift was provided for their person) BUYS FOR ThatDogFromPluto.
24. katt_tail BUYS FOR puppy_lover153.
25. puppy_lover153 BUYS FOR Dwimmer (was banned and didn’t recieve gift).
26. ThatDogFromPluto BUYS FOR katt_tail.
27. Bharatj BUYS FOR xXphyscoclawXx.
28. PoonMichael BUYS FOR wdeerman.
You’re gift was taken care of and you received one.So... What's going to happen to my gift?
Thank you! :DY
You’re gift was taken care of and you received one.