Denied SheckyR's Hospital Secretary Application


- In-game name: SheckyR
- Age: 14 almost 15
- Date joined server: 1 month ago
- Current playtime: 6d 18h 8m 51s
- How long have you been a Doctor: 3 weeks
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary:
I would like to be a Hospital Secretary because it has always been a very big passion of mine to help others and being a Hospital Secretary would mean helping the up and coming doctors with their jobs and bringing light to their areas of improvement. I have been on this server for a month now and there hasn't been a dull moment. I have loved my job since day one and I would love to become a Hospital Secretary so I can advance my knowledge and grow as a person. I know that being a Hospital Secretary will grow my passion for this job and it will make me liberated to know that I am helping so many people not just in the DOH but in the entire BusinessCraft server.
- What can you bring to the Department:
Though I had a bit of a rough start I know I can bring a lot to this Department. I am an active player on the BusinessCraft server as my fellow doctors could support and I always try my best to help anybody in need. Since I have been a doctor for a while now I know that I could use the experiences that I have had to assist doctors that have any questions. I would also strive to make the DOH a more positive space with every person in the department helping each other out and making the environment a safer place for treatment. I will not be afraid to bring up issues that I think we can improve on or bring up any ideas that I think that could improve our department. If there are ever any new laws or regulations in the DOH I will make sure to be on top of all of them and inform as many people as possible. I have a big goal for the DOH if I get to be a Hospital Secretary. My objective is to help everybody that works in the DOH with anything they need. I love being helpful and it will positively affect everybody so I would love to do it.
- Additional Information:
I also heard there was some type of training that doctors got which I never did so that is why I made those mistakes. I didn't exactly know what was going to happen if I did it and I am truly sorry. I know that I may not get this job but I would like to thank you for the opportunity and I hope you have a good day. :)

My discord is SR#7365




Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


While you have a well-written application, we're currently not looking for anymore Hospital Secretaries. If you have any comments, complaints, or concerns, feel free to contact me via in-game or on Discord.
