-=Sinatra Design=-
We are a branch of Sinatra L.L.C. that specializes in designing and realizing whatever our clients want. The branch is primarily located in Ford Lexford with our Headquarters in progress.
C.E.O - Frank_Sinatra_
I founded Sinatra design with SamuelBamuel, I have experience in building various elaborate and luxurious interiors as well as my specialty, Art Deco exteriors.
C.O.O - SamuelBamuel
Being the Co-Founder of Sinatra Design, I am skilled in both leadership and organization. I can help organize people and bring them into the same visionist mindset that we hold close to our hearts.
Project Manager (Head Builder) - Hiring
{This job will involve organizing the builders to make different parts of any building, providing the client with regular updates and keeping productivity and discipline amongst the workers}
Exterior Designer - Hiring
{When designing a building, the first job is to make some basic concepts for the client with the interior decorator and see which one they like best. Once this is done you can make a building taking in some of the key characteristics of the concept phase that will fulfill all of the client's needs. This means you will need to communicate with the rest of the members of the build team.}
Interior Decorator - Hiring
{This job will involve fitting walls, floors, and roofs to the interior of a building along with adding in furniture and workspaces keeping communication for room spacing with the exterior designer is vital}
Accountant - germannutdealer
As accountant of Sinatra Designs LLC, I will lower down costs as much as I can and make sure that every worker, every executive, every man to ever be contracted by Sinatra Designs LLC will earn a fair share, with it always increasing, decreasing by the companies profits. I am very happy to get this chance to better the workers' lives
-=How We Process Our Clients Orders=-
The stage can be broken down into 5 stages: Communication, Inspiration, Fulfillment, Budgeting, and Construction (C.I.F.B.C)
1. Firstly, we will meet in the Sinatra Designs office and discuss what you want to build (number of rooms, architectural style, plot size, budget, requirements...)
2. Then once we have taken notes on the requirements, these will be sent via Discord to our workers. You will be provided with an invite to our server where you will be able to post images of things you like or want the builders to take features/inspiration from. These can be video game buildings, real-life buildings, etc.
3. The builders will then provide you with concepts and until you say it's perfect we will strive to make it better and better.
4. Once this stage is done, the accountant will calculate the prices of all of the blocks and labor to finally present you with a spreadsheet of every expense that should be well within your budget.
5. If you choose to accept this quote, we will begin building immediately. If you choose to reject it, you will be charged a $250 processing fee.
-=Previous Buildings=-
Currently, we have designed one building but not built it yet. This is our company HQ (below).
-=Latest Projects=-
Fort Lexfort Apartment Blocks (2) - Planning Phase
-=How to Join=-
DM Frank_Sinatra_ via Discord ( Garak#3136 ) with the following information depending on what job you want:
-Project Manager-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long you have been building
.What architectural building styles can you build to a presentable standard
.Do you think you can communicate with the build team and the client professionally
.Pictures of previous buildings that you have made
-Exterior Designer-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long you have been building
.What architectural building styles can you build to a presentable standard
.Can you make an exterior stand out or build an entire building around one concept (e.g. tall spire)
.Photographs of buildings you have made in the past
-Interior Designer-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long have you been building
.What interior design styles can you replicate
.Can you decorate large spaces and small spaces to equal standards
.Pictures of previous interiors you have decorated
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.Are you good at making connections with suppliers
.Do you know how to make a spreadsheet (doesn't matter what software)
.Can you sufficiently point out any features of the building being designed that will make it overbudget
.Do you have any experience with basic monetary calculations
We are a branch of Sinatra L.L.C. that specializes in designing and realizing whatever our clients want. The branch is primarily located in Ford Lexford with our Headquarters in progress.
C.E.O - Frank_Sinatra_
I founded Sinatra design with SamuelBamuel, I have experience in building various elaborate and luxurious interiors as well as my specialty, Art Deco exteriors.
C.O.O - SamuelBamuel
Being the Co-Founder of Sinatra Design, I am skilled in both leadership and organization. I can help organize people and bring them into the same visionist mindset that we hold close to our hearts.
Project Manager (Head Builder) - Hiring
{This job will involve organizing the builders to make different parts of any building, providing the client with regular updates and keeping productivity and discipline amongst the workers}
Exterior Designer - Hiring
{When designing a building, the first job is to make some basic concepts for the client with the interior decorator and see which one they like best. Once this is done you can make a building taking in some of the key characteristics of the concept phase that will fulfill all of the client's needs. This means you will need to communicate with the rest of the members of the build team.}
Interior Decorator - Hiring
{This job will involve fitting walls, floors, and roofs to the interior of a building along with adding in furniture and workspaces keeping communication for room spacing with the exterior designer is vital}
Accountant - germannutdealer
As accountant of Sinatra Designs LLC, I will lower down costs as much as I can and make sure that every worker, every executive, every man to ever be contracted by Sinatra Designs LLC will earn a fair share, with it always increasing, decreasing by the companies profits. I am very happy to get this chance to better the workers' lives
-=How We Process Our Clients Orders=-
The stage can be broken down into 5 stages: Communication, Inspiration, Fulfillment, Budgeting, and Construction (C.I.F.B.C)
1. Firstly, we will meet in the Sinatra Designs office and discuss what you want to build (number of rooms, architectural style, plot size, budget, requirements...)
2. Then once we have taken notes on the requirements, these will be sent via Discord to our workers. You will be provided with an invite to our server where you will be able to post images of things you like or want the builders to take features/inspiration from. These can be video game buildings, real-life buildings, etc.
3. The builders will then provide you with concepts and until you say it's perfect we will strive to make it better and better.
4. Once this stage is done, the accountant will calculate the prices of all of the blocks and labor to finally present you with a spreadsheet of every expense that should be well within your budget.
5. If you choose to accept this quote, we will begin building immediately. If you choose to reject it, you will be charged a $250 processing fee.
-=Previous Buildings=-
Currently, we have designed one building but not built it yet. This is our company HQ (below).

-=Latest Projects=-
Fort Lexfort Apartment Blocks (2) - Planning Phase
-=How to Join=-
DM Frank_Sinatra_ via Discord ( Garak#3136 ) with the following information depending on what job you want:
-Project Manager-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long you have been building
.What architectural building styles can you build to a presentable standard
.Do you think you can communicate with the build team and the client professionally
.Pictures of previous buildings that you have made
-Exterior Designer-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long you have been building
.What architectural building styles can you build to a presentable standard
.Can you make an exterior stand out or build an entire building around one concept (e.g. tall spire)
.Photographs of buildings you have made in the past
-Interior Designer-
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.How long have you been building
.What interior design styles can you replicate
.Can you decorate large spaces and small spaces to equal standards
.Pictures of previous interiors you have decorated
.In Game Name and Discord Name
.Are you good at making connections with suppliers
.Do you know how to make a spreadsheet (doesn't matter what software)
.Can you sufficiently point out any features of the building being designed that will make it overbudget
.Do you have any experience with basic monetary calculations
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