Rescinded The Emergency Banking Security Act

Voting Period open, Ministers Vote if for or against the proposed Law

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P. Hunter

The Emergency Banking Security Act


To protect players' money in private run banks.

The Council of Ministers enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is The EBS Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) Once passed and signed this bill will come into full effect.
(2) Any bank in breach of this act will be immediately considered under Investigation and cannot make any new or ongoing operations without DoE approval

Section 3. Reasoning

Emergency bill due to players with money deposited in a private run bank not having access due to the negligence of the bank.

Section 4. Regulation on Banks

[a] Any bank that fails to hand over deposited money to their client will be immediately terminated from CIA status.
The Department of Economy shall take Management control of the bank to evaluate and return money being withheld from the bank's clients.
[c] The player bank, at the Discretion of the Department of Economy may be forced closed and banned from operating with the bank owner being black listed for financial service operating.
[d] If failure from the Bank to transfer the clients requested money or total account value within reasonable time, The DoE can forcibly take the money from the bank holding account and return it to the player.

Section 5. Clarification of wording

1. Client - Person who has deposited money or is a account holder with the bank
2. Bank Holding Account - The banks set area of holding other peoples money via a personal or private account.
3. Bank - A player ran or owned company that operates holding accounts or other financial services for other players for the purpose of monetary security. This can be CIA verified or otherwise.

Authored by Poemhunter on behalf of The Department of Economy and the People of Stratham.
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