Lawsuit: Dismissed The Government of Stratham [ Poemhunter AG ] v The Department of State [ Poemhunter DoS Minister ]

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P. Hunter

In The Distinguished Court of The Stratham Republic
Date: 03/01/23

The Government of Stratham Attorney Generals Office


Government of Stratham Department of State

I. Description of Case
The Plaintiff brings forth the following causes of action and alleges the following against the Defendant:

I am seeking clarification within the wording and meaning of the Constitution. I was contacted by the Community Manager about the requirements to run for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister and it was noted to me that Ancastal did not reach the said requirements of /bcseen. After some clarification on this I sent a letter to the Head of that ticket Mickichu stating such. Upon my further reading and debating looking to what was said within the Constitution about the requirement, looking at the wording of the constitution there is a conflict and a difference in meaning.

The constitution states; That the requirement set in the constitution (A) Having at least one day of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle. Would mean that the player seeking the office of DPM would need a playtime of 1 day before or obtained within the 30 days prior to the start of the election. This would be by the /playtime command Whereas the requirements in Section (B) Maintaining at least one day of active playtime (as seen in /bcseen) during their tenure as Deputy Prime Minister. Would mean that the playtime set for as stated is active playtime which is specified with the command /bcseen. In summary Section A of the Constitution requires a different playtime compared to what is stated and clarified as active playtime being different form Playtime.

II. Parties
1. Poemhunter
2. Department of State

III. Sequence of Events
1. Informed of playtime requirements not being met and letter sent to amend
2. Further inspection of wording of constitution lead to doubt over action taken by the State Minister
3. State Minister questioned decision and brings action to the courts for judicial review

IV. Claims for Relief
1. For the sections to be clearly interpreted and decide if there is a difference in meaning.

I want to note the extreme importance and emergency of this case due to the election closing in hours and for a Declared candidacy to be afforded a fair election without complication I ask this immediately be looked at so the Department of State and Inform and correct guide the Candidates of what they can do.

In advancing this form to the court, you acknowledge and concur with the rules of court which highlight the importance of honesty at all times. Moreover, you understand the punishments for breaking these rules and/or committing perjury and deception in the court.
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Good Evening,

I am going to be very straightforward as the Plaintiff has asked for an accelerated pace with this case, and I believe bluntness gets us there.
The Plaintiff has reached out to both myself and Associate Justice Ted and I believe that both of us have a conflict of interest and can not rule over this case. Therefore, we will need to elect 3 Magistrates in Tempore.

The process of electing a Magistrate, as stated in the Constitution, is as follows,
"A Magistrate in Tempore is nominated by the Prime Minister with the majority approval of Parliament (50%, rounded up), and a majority approval from the Judges (50%, rounded up)"
Since Parliament will be a party, in this case, I believe the simplest way to ensure equal opportunity and uphold the Constitution is to allow the Plaintiff to vote in this process as well. I will see that this process begins right away and will continue to assist the Magistrates throughout this case. For simplicity and speed, too, I do suggest the Plaintiff and Defendant consider Judicial Arbitration. It will be less of a burden on our Magistrates and will lead to a much more civilized solution.

Additionally, as this could affect the election, I have decided that it be best that the election is not halted but the results not be announced until the conclusion of this case. This way if it is decided against the Plaintiff's opinion, the winner has already been chosen, and if the Plaintiff's opinion does win, then no official winner has been announced and a proper vote can be redone.

If either party has any questions they may feel free to ask. I will be reaching out following this post to get our Magistrate situation dealt with.
Thank You,
That is all

@KikoWiko is hereby summoned to the court to acknowledge the case. If the Defendant, @KikoWiko , does not acknowledge the case as a reply in 2 days, the case will close in the Plaintiff's favor.

Court is in Session

This case is presided by Judge Cooleagles Bear in mind to not reply to court cases unless summoned by the Judge!


Good Evening,

As I have reached out to the individuals in this case privately, the Plaintiff has informed me that this case will no longer affect any possible candidates in this election; therefore, the results may now be released at their appropriate time.

If there are any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask.
That is all,
Thank You


Good Evening,

I would like to get this case back on track.
Before I continue I first wish to ask the Plaintiff, @P. Hunter if they still wish to continue this case. If so, then we will begin the selection of Judges right away as we have a new Prime Minister to do so.

That is all,
Thank You


Good Evening,

Seeing that the Plaintiff has not responded to the case, I will be dismissing this case now.

That is all,
Thank You

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