Bill: Rejected The Improper Lawyer Act

Voting Period open, MPs Vote if for or against the proposed Law

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The Improper Lawyer Act


Establish new punishments for being improper in court.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title, Commencement, Reasoning

(1) This Act may be cited as the “Improper Lawyer Act”.
(2) This Act shall come into effect immediately upon its signage.
(3) Right now lawyers can become very improper, and unprofessional and receive minimal punishment (If any punishment at all). This will make it so that there are more fair punishments, along with better cases, and lawyers.

Section 2. Provisions

(1)The following provisions must be met for a lawyer to be punished.
(A) The lawyer does not use proper language
(a)Use of profanity
(b) Use of language that is derogatory to specific people (you may quote what a person has said for sections (A & B)).
(B) The lawyer does not use the proper template
(a)The templates are here:
(C)The lawyer has been proven to not be honest in court
(D) If the lawyer commits any other crime in court (E.G., a Frivolous Case).

Section 3. Punishments

(1)The lawyer will receive the following punishments after every offense

First offense - 1000 kr fine
Second offense - 1500 kr fine + loss of lawyer qualification that is appealable through the courts
Third offense - 2000 kr fine + loss of lawyer qualification that is not appealable
The DoJ (department of justice) will be in charge of administering the punishments listed above, assets may be seized if the accused does not have enough funds to pay the fine.

If the lawyer commits any other crime in court E.G., a Frivolous Case, the punishment(s) will still be valid for breaking that law, along with the punishments within this bill.
Section 4. Additional information

(1)If the client provides false information to a lawyer then the lawyer will not be punished. Instead the fine will fall to the client and the case will be adjourned to the opposition immediately.

Authored by Lennonrissi & Giggly999legs & Poemhunter (with suggestions and feedback from all 3 judges) on behalf of the people of Stratham
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