Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Executive Office
Department of Public Affairs
Special Advisor
The Inheritance Act
Provide a method for Inactive or exiting players to bequeath their possessions beyond simply allocating each individual item
The Parliament of Stratham enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the Inheritance Act
Section 2. Commencement
(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon the signage of this bill.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1) To put into law the current common law system of distributing items upon a player’s exit, and to add an additional avenue for players who unexpectedly leave the game to preserve their legacy.
Section 4. Living wills
(1) Any player shall be able to draft a living will on the “Introductions and Departures” sub-forum and make edits to it as they please, with all of Stratham as their legal witness.
(a) After the activation of a living will has begun, it is the responsibility of the players mentioned therein to claim their inheritance. If they do not claim their inheritance within 14 days, their inheritance will be considered abandoned and shall pass to the next individual in the chain of Inheritance.
(2) Players may hire a lawyer or appoint a player to be the executor of their will.
(a) The executor of a will must reply to the living will thread acknowledging and accepting the executorship.
(b)The executor of a will will verify that all provisions are met, and must make all reasonable efforts to verify that all individuals mentioned in the will have received their due.
(3) If a player creates a living will by officially expressing their intent to leave the server in a parting post on the “introductions/departures” thread, but does not allocate their resources, select resources will be automatically given to their mutual inheritor.
(a) These include plots, banking accounts, and any other assets that may have been vaulted due to inactivity.
(4) Banned players have no right to create a living will.
Section 5. Mutual Inheritors
(1) Two players may, through mutual, contractual agreement, may become mutual inheritors.
(a) Mutual inheritors will receive rights to the other’s assets should they be vaulted for inactivity, including but not limited to plots
(b) Mutual inheritors will automatically act as the executor’s of each other’s wills unless otherwise explicitly stated.
(c) Mutual inheritors shall be held liable to any unpaid fines or civil damages their mutual inheritor may accrue. However, Mutual Inheritors will never be forced to serve jail time for each other.
(2) A player may only have a single Mutual Inheritor at any given time.
(a) If a player attempts to enter into a Mutual Inheritance contract with another player while having an active contract may be found in breach of contract, and a reasonable compensation will be determined in a civil suit.
(3) Banned players have no right to enter into a Mutual Inheritor contract.
Authored by violetunknown on behalf of themselves.
Provide a method for Inactive or exiting players to bequeath their possessions beyond simply allocating each individual item
The Parliament of Stratham enacts:
Section 1. Short Title
(1) This Act is the Inheritance Act
Section 2. Commencement
(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon the signage of this bill.
Section 3. Reasoning
(1) To put into law the current common law system of distributing items upon a player’s exit, and to add an additional avenue for players who unexpectedly leave the game to preserve their legacy.
Section 4. Living wills
(1) Any player shall be able to draft a living will on the “Introductions and Departures” sub-forum and make edits to it as they please, with all of Stratham as their legal witness.
(a) After the activation of a living will has begun, it is the responsibility of the players mentioned therein to claim their inheritance. If they do not claim their inheritance within 14 days, their inheritance will be considered abandoned and shall pass to the next individual in the chain of Inheritance.
(2) Players may hire a lawyer or appoint a player to be the executor of their will.
(a) The executor of a will must reply to the living will thread acknowledging and accepting the executorship.
(b)The executor of a will will verify that all provisions are met, and must make all reasonable efforts to verify that all individuals mentioned in the will have received their due.
(3) If a player creates a living will by officially expressing their intent to leave the server in a parting post on the “introductions/departures” thread, but does not allocate their resources, select resources will be automatically given to their mutual inheritor.
(a) These include plots, banking accounts, and any other assets that may have been vaulted due to inactivity.
(4) Banned players have no right to create a living will.
Section 5. Mutual Inheritors
(1) Two players may, through mutual, contractual agreement, may become mutual inheritors.
(a) Mutual inheritors will receive rights to the other’s assets should they be vaulted for inactivity, including but not limited to plots
(b) Mutual inheritors will automatically act as the executor’s of each other’s wills unless otherwise explicitly stated.
(c) Mutual inheritors shall be held liable to any unpaid fines or civil damages their mutual inheritor may accrue. However, Mutual Inheritors will never be forced to serve jail time for each other.
(2) A player may only have a single Mutual Inheritor at any given time.
(a) If a player attempts to enter into a Mutual Inheritance contract with another player while having an active contract may be found in breach of contract, and a reasonable compensation will be determined in a civil suit.
(3) Banned players have no right to enter into a Mutual Inheritor contract.
Authored by violetunknown on behalf of themselves.
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