Rescinded The New Voter Solicitation Act


Former PM
The New Voter Solicitation Act


To fix the issues in the original bill

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the New Voter Solicitation Act

Section 2. Commencement

(1) Provisions shall come into effect immediately upon passage.

(2) Rescinds the Voter Solicitation Act Act upon signage

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) The current Voter Solicitation Act is heavily outdated for our current player base and has extremely harsh punishments. The aim of this bill is to not only fix the issues but improve upon the system that is already in palace.

Section 4. Voter Solicitation

(1) Voter solicitation is the act of reaching out to a player in game or in DM’s about voting for you or your preferred candidate and or Political Party.

(2) No person shall reach out to a player that has less than 4 Hours of Playtime on the server and ask them to vote for them or their preferred candidate and or political party in an election. This also includes unsolicited links to politically related discords.

(3) No person shall ask for Campaign Donations or ask for persons to run /ad in game that is politically related if the person being asked has less than 4 hours of playtime

Section 5. Punishments

(1) The punishments of this crime will be handled but the DoJ and or the Courts directed to the DoJ.

1st Offense - $750 Fine
2nd Offense - $1500 Fine and removal from the ballot for the Department of State (If applicable)
3rd Offense - $2000 Fine, 10 Minutes Jail Time and Barred from running for Elected Office for 1 Election Cycle

Authored by LilSumoVert on behalf of the Government


Staff member
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
This bill is hereby granted Prime Ministerial Assent and signed into law.