Rescinded The Omnibus Elections Acts Amendment Bill


Executive Office
Department of Justice
Special Advisor
The Omnibus Elections Acts Amendment Bill


State the way in which an MP is elected into parliament in the event of a vacant seat during a term.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is The Omnibus Elections Acts Amendment Bill

Section 2. Commencement

(1) The Provisions of this act shall come into effect as soon as this Act is given assent.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Currently the process for electing replacement MP’s is obscure and has lots of room to be manipulated by bias within the current circle of MP’s. This should not be allowed to happen.

Section 4. Constitutional Amendments

(1) Parliament Changes
(a) Section 1 | Powers of Parliament
(I) The Legislative Branch is composed of the Parliament which all legislative power is vested in.
(A) Parliament consists of 9 elected members referred to as Members of Parliament, commonly abbreviated MP.
(B) Members of Parliament are elected to serve for 3 months. Collectively, Members of Parliament are tasked with representing the will of the people.

(b) Section 2 | Election and Replacement of Members of Parliament

Requirements to run for a position in Parliament are as follows:

  1. Having joined the server at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the election.
  2. Having a playtime of at least 5 days.
  3. Being active in-game, forums, and discord. Inactivity is defined as being off of the server for at least 2 weeks.
  4. The nominees for replacement MP may not be people that have been VoNC’ed in that current Parliamentary term.
(IV) The election of Members of Parliament shall;
(A) Take place every three months beginning on the fourth day of the month and ending on the eighth day of the month.
(B) The time for declarations of candidacy shall take place on the fourth and fifth days of the month and shall last for no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(C) The time for voting shall take place on the sixth and seventh days of the month and shall last no more than forty-eight (48) hours.
(D) In the election, voters shall cast up to seven (7) votes and the nine (9) candidates with the most votes, at the end of voting, shall be elected to the Parliament of Stratham.
(E) The results of the election shall be announced at the end of the seventh day of the month and no later than the end of the eighth day of the month.
(1) If a tie should arise between two or more candidates for the ninth seat, a second election shall be held between the two or more candidates who are tied to determine which shall be elected to the ninth seat.
(2) Elected Members of Parliament shall be sworn in no later than the ninth day of the month.

(V) In the event, a Member of Parliament resigns from Office or is removed and the Parliamentary seat then becomes vacant, the following process is to be followed;
(A) The SoP shall create a EoI thread as per the current process, which the citizens of stratham may use to nominate either themselves or another member of the server for the vacant seat. All persons may only nominate one person! Any additional nominations will be discarded. (I.E. if I nominated myself or someone else over two comments, or in the same comment, only 1 comment/vote would be counted. This would be the first vote/comment stated)
Announcements, which the general public may fill in to nominate themselves to fill the vacancy.
(B) After 24 hours have passed, the EoI thread shall be locked from further comments, and a poll shall be created. The poll will contain all members on the forum post that received 2 or more nominations from themselves or others.
(C) A nominee pool will then be created consisting of everyone that received at least 2 nominations in the expression of interest document.
(D) The poll will be opened to the public of Stratham for them to vote for their favoured candidate. This poll will stay open for 24 hours.
(E) Either the SoP or the DSoP will announce the conclusion of the poll, and the new member of Parliament at the end of those 24 hours by using #gov-announcements

Section 5. Punishments for abuse of process.

  1. Any member that votes more than once will have their second vote disregarded.
  2. If a member votes twice, and both votes are for themselves, they are barred from running.

Authored by TedHastings_AC12 on behalf of the Government.
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