Bill: Rejected The Voting Amendment Bill

P. Hunter

Voting Amendment Bill


Clarify the required votes to pass legislation in the constitution.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the Voting Amendment Bill.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All Provision(s) shall come into effect upon passage.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Currently the constitution does not provide specific numbers for voting and has confusing fractions such as ¾.

Section 4. Constitutional Amendment I

(1) Amend Section 1, Subsection 1, Sub-subsection 2. From

(II) The Parliament;
(A) Is responsible for creating, amending, and removing laws as well as server rules that fall under the Government’s oversight,
(B) Is responsible for confirming or denying Prime Ministerial nominations for Cabinet and Judicial Positions,
(C) May amend the constitution through a Constitutional Amendment,
(D) May create, amend, and remove government departments & their powers as well as the positions within them. This can only be done through a constitutional amendment,
(E) May override an Executive Order, commonly abbreviated EO, made by the Prime Minister with a supermajority (2/3rds, rounded up) vote in favor of overriding,
(F) May override a prime ministerial veto with a supermajority (2/3rds, rounded up) vote after 48 hours of the veto if the vetoed bill is not a constitutional amendment,
(G) May remove the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, and Judges via a vote of no confidence, which requires a supermajority (2/3rds, rounded up) to pass,
(H) May remove the Prime Minister via a supermajority (3/4ths, rounded up) vote of no confidence,
(I) May appropriate Government funds to be allocated for specific purposes which can be done through a bill,
(J) May not give itself power over or take powers away from other branches of government,
(K) May not override a veto on Constitutional Amendments..


(II) The Parliament;
(A) Is responsible for creating, amending, and removing laws as well as server rules that fall under the Government’s oversight,
(B) Is responsible for confirming or denying Prime Ministerial nominations for Cabinet and Judicial Positions, (In order for a nomination to pass, a majority vote in favor must be met.)
(C) May amend the constitution through a Constitutional Amendment,
(D) May create, amend, and remove government departments & their powers as well as the positions within them. This can only be done through a constitutional amendment,
(E) May override an Executive Order, commonly abbreviated EO, made by the Prime Minister with a supermajority (6/7 votes) vote in favor of overriding,
(F) May override a prime ministerial veto with a supermajority (6/7 votes) vote after 48 hours of the veto if the vetoed bill is not a constitutional amendment,
(G) May remove the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, and Judges via a vote of no confidence, which requires a supermajority (5/7 votes) to pass,
(H) May remove the Prime Minister via a supermajority (6/7 votes) vote of no confidence,
(I) May appropriate Government funds to be allocated for specific purposes which can be done through a bill,
(J) May not give itself power over or take powers away from other branches of government,
(K) May not override a veto on Constitutional Amendments.

Section 5. Constitutional Amendment II

(1) Amend Section 1, Subsection 3, Sub-subsection 2 from

(II) The Speaker of the Parliament;
(A) Is responsible for informing the Prime Minister of pending bills that have passed Parliament and require the Prime Minister's assent.
(B) Is responsible for updating the Rules & Laws thread as well as the Constitution page within 48 hours of the passage of the relevant Act of Parliament.
(C) May issue infractions to Members of Parliament for failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations or for behavior unbecoming of a Member of Parliament. After an MP has accrued 3 infractions, the MP can be dismissed with super-majority (2/3rds, rounded up) support.


(II) The Speaker of the Parliament;
(A) Is responsible for informing the Prime Minister of pending bills that have passed Parliament and require the Prime Minister's assent.
(B) Is responsible for updating the Rules & Laws thread as well as the Constitution page within 48 hours of the passage of the relevant Act of Parliament.
(C) May issue infractions to Members of Parliament for failing to fulfill their constitutional obligations or for behavior unbecoming of a Member of Parliament. After an MP has accrued 3 infractions, the MP can be dismissed with super-majority (6/7 votes) support.

Section 6. Constitutional Amendment III

(1) Amend Section 1, Subsection 4, Sub-subsection 5 from

(V) The process of Constitutional Amendments will follow a more complex process as follows:
(A) Proposals for amendments will be made on Discord under #bill-creation and in the Parliament subforum.
(B) 48 hours after the proposal, the amendment will be voted on by the Members of Parliament.
(C) Voting will close after 24 hours have passed.
(D) In order for an amendment to pass, it must have the super majority support (3/4ths rounded up) and consist of at least one section titled with the amended section and/or article of the Constitution. If the amendment fails to achieve either of these requirements, it will be rejected.
(E) Once passed, the amendment will be put to Prime Ministerial assent or veto. If given assent, the amendment shall be amended on the Constitution forum page by the Speaker of Parliament, or their office. In case the Amendment is vetoed, the Parliament cannot overturn the veto.


(V) The process of Constitutional Amendments will follow a more complex process as follows:
(A) Proposals for amendments will be made on Discord under #bill-creation and in the Parliament subforum.
(B) 48 hours after the proposal, the amendment will be voted on by the Members of Parliament.
(C) Voting will close after 24 hours have passed.
(D) In order for an amendment to pass, it must have the super majority support (6/7 votes) and consist of at least one section titled with the amended section and/or article of the Constitution. If the amendment fails to achieve either of these requirements, it will be rejected.
(E) Once passed, the amendment will be put to Prime Ministerial assent or veto. If given assent, the amendment shall be amended on the Constitution forum page by the Speaker of Parliament, or their office. In case the Amendment is vetoed, the Parliament cannot overturn the veto.

Authored by poemhunter on behalf of the people.
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Former PM
This bill is hereby granted Prime Ministerial Assent and is signed into law.