Pending TokyoSAP’s Application for Community Coordinator


- In-game name: TokyoSAP
- Date joined server: Jan 22 2024
- Current playtime: 1d 5m 48s
- Role you're applying for:
Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a community coordinator: I’m very impressed by the whole feel of the server, everyone is nice and friendly to each other and there isn’t any of the common “gamer toxicity”. I would like to help support the people who welcomed me openly when I first joined by helping wherever I can, as well as guide new players and be the welcoming figure for them. Plus organising and coordinating groups happens to be one of my stronger fields.
- What can you bring to the Department: I’m online very often despite my low playtime I’m very accessible through both discord and Minecraft. This makes me the ideal choice because I can help guide new players and coordinate events efficiently. I’m always eager to help and I’m always ready to support new players.
- Additional Information:
My timezone is GMT + 8hrs and I’m in Singapore so any events in Asia would be preferred but I will remain flexible. I’m manager of Weptoolz Mining and Writing, financial advisor for Nexus Bank, economics major irl if that helps, and I have irl experience planning events. Also I know I have little playtime when factored over my join date but that’s because I logged on once in January and only started playing in late May. Thank you for your consideration :)
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