Important Town of Lexford

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Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Minister of State
Mayor of Lexford

Town of Lexford

Lexford was established in 2019 <WIP>

Lexford currently runs solely with the Mayor and a team of Advisors, however has previously run with the assistance of a Town Council. The Council was dissolved due to a lack of need and activity meaning it lacked function.

Applicants for the Council, Construction Team, Land Management Team can apply on the Lexford Discord when applications are open.

Fundamental Rights


General Plot Regulations

➢ Any player with less than 4 hours playtime in the past 30 days will be evicted without notice.

➢ You may not destroy or alter the exterior of a pre-build structure in the town without prior planning permission from the Council (Contact the Mayor for this).

➢ Discretionary Evictions: The town’s mayor reserves the right to evict any plot owner for the benefit of the town.

➢ Server Bans: Any player banned permanently or for 30 days or longer will be evicted after 3 days of being banned.

➢ Structure Vaulting Policy: In general, structures are vaulted following eviction. However, if the Mayor deems a structure to be historically or aesthetically significant to the town, he may choose to not have it vaulted. All personal belongings such as chests will be vaulted regardless.

➢ Any building deemed as an eyesore by the Mayor will be given 7 days to improve their build, otherwise they will be evicted and their building vaulted. Any building will be deemed as an eyesore if it does not match the Town's Theme.

➢ No plot may be merged unless given approval by the Mayor.

➢ Refund Policy: A refund will NOT be given if you are evicted for breaking any of the town rules. However, plot owners evicted for town development or other reasons unrelated to the breaking of a rule will receive at least a full refund of the initial plot price. Additionally, if you choose to sell your plot back to the town via /as sell, you will receive an automatic 90% refund.

Commercial Plot Regulations

These rules apply to any commercial plot located in Lexford (Plots used for Businesses/Apartments).

➢ Height Limit: No structure may exceed 25 blocks above ground level without prior approval from the Mayor.

➢You may only own one commercial plot at one given time.

➢ Business Activity: All commercial plots must contain an active business and/or provide some sort of commerce. The Mayor reserves the right to deem a business inactive and apply eviction notices to the business’ plot(s).

➢ Apartment Buildings: Apartment buildings must be approved by the Mayor before apartments may be regioned on the interior.

➢ Pre-Built Structures: If your plot contains a structure built by the town government or by a constructor hired by the town, you may not demolish it or make drastic exterior edits without the Mayor’s approval. If you are unsure whether or not your structure is pre-built, contact the Mayor and ask.

Residential Plot Regulations

➢ Height Limit: Structures may not be taller than 15 blocks unless you have the Mayor’s approval.

➢ You may only own one Lexford Residential plot at one given time.

➢ Active Residency: If you are not actively a resident of Lexford, you may be evicted at the discretion of the Mayor. A resident is often deemed inactive if they seldom visit the town, do not actually use their home, their home is undecorated etc.​
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