Accepted TripleA111’s Application for Community Coordinator! :D


- In-game name: TripleA111

- Age: 12 (im a youngin :D)

- Date joined server: 1 year ago (mid April 2019)

- Current playtime: 21 days, 21 hours

- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator

- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator: I would like to become a Community Coordinator because I like bringing others together and being social! I have been a tour guide for as long as I can remember and because of that I feel like I understand and know more of the players opinions, likes, and dislikes of the server. From all the feedback I get I think of opportunities and events that could make BC more lively and entertaining! It would bring more players to other cities/towns besides Capitol and I very much do believe it will make the relationships of players better and stronger! Also they would meet other beings with the same opinions and personalities as themselves which would overall bring the community more together :)

To add on in real life I do have a small job that actually has to do with planning and things like that! I work as a receptionist during the school year at my parents work and there I only schedule appointments and give notices to others as well as putting reminder announcements out for the patients. I believe those skills I developed would be very handy in this position.

- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring multiple event ideas for the server, ways to bring the community more together, my skills in planning + executing events, and contributing in any way possible! I will also bring a social, understanding, open mind, positive attitude, my passion for this role, and much more!

- Additional Information: My discord is tripleA#9562 . Message me if you have any questions :)

- Sincerely Triple <3


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Good luck Triple!!!!