Accepted UtilitiesCo | Government Business Grant


Application Format
- In-game Name: supermetro
-Discord name: supermetro.9679
- Business Name: UtilitiesCo
- Business Registration Link:
- Join Date: 20th November 2018
- Current Playtime: 4weeks 3days 13hours
- Current Balance: 6300kr
- Requested Amount: 10000kr
- Business Plan: UtilitiesCo has always been a multiple services offering company with no fixed HQ, that relied on rented shop spaces in malls or palaces built in the wilderness to make profits. Our plan is to finally build the "UtilitiesCo Palace" in capital city (plots are 1-sagan-st and 6-themis-ave): it will be a very big place where the company's HQ will be located, plus with shops spaces for all its subsidiaries. It will feature rentable floor(s) for other companies to build offices, other HQs, shops or what else they would need. This palace aims to be a refernce point for the BC community. It will finally host the only running and first ever made Escape Rooms of BC "EscapeOut" currently located in a build in wilderness, and also other events we plan to make. We plan on mass advertising the place once it will be fully built and to get a dynmap marker (to fully reach our goal). Currently the company is still paying off the remaining 8400kr of a loan previously taken, to buy the plots, so we plan on paying back this debt, thanks to this grant, and use the remaining 1600kr (plus the 6300kr balance) to buy the large number of materials needed to construct the place and furnish it.
-Have you applied for a Government Business Grant before: no
- Picture of Plot (If needed): - Additional Information:


Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Economy
Department of Justice
Deputy Speaker of Parliament


Congratulations, supermetro! Your application for Business Grant has been accepted.
