Bill: Accepted Vehicular Legislations Act

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Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Vehicular Legislations Act

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the VLA.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon the signage of this bill.

Section 3. Purpose and Reasoning

(1)To set out the acceptable use of vehicles in Stratham and punish players who do not abide by these rules. This involves drivers and pedestrians.

(2)To prevent misconduct regarding the use of vehicles, ultimately providing protection to all the parties involved.

Section 4. General Traffic Legislation

(1) Players must drive on the right hand side of all official roads.

(2) Off-road driving is not permitted on any official road.
(a) If the driver is affected by server lag, the driver shall not be prosecuted as this is out of their control.
(b) To check that this is the case, the inquiring officer can ask that the driver step out of the vehicle and just walk around. If they are lagging around when walking they shall not be prosecuted. Alternatively, the inquiring officer can check the player list by pressing the Tab key and seeing how many bars the driver has.

(3) All traffic shall proceed counter clockwise in all roundabouts.

(4) All traffic shall proceed only in the direction indicated on clearly marked one way roads.

(5) Only cars and bikes may be driven and/or parked on official roads. Any of the following vehicles may only be driven/parked on private property with the permission of the property’s owner OR with specific Government authorization: Helicopters, Planes, Drills, Tractors, Submarines, Rafts and any other non-standard vehicles.
(a) Government authorization may be granted by the Department of Justice’s Minister. Proof must be provided if a player claims they have been given permission upon questioning (either by Trainee Officers, Police Officers, Sergeants or Captain) if found to drive a non-authorized vehicle. Valid proof can be any piece of text/photo/screenshot of the Minister’s approval. Anyone with a position higher than the DoJ Minister may make/overrule the decision.

(6) Players may park for an indefinite amount of time in public parking places.

(7) Players may only park in private parking places with the consent of the property’s owner.
(a) Player-owned parking lots intended for commercial use automatically give consent to the usage of the parking lot by the consumers/visitors. The owner may add more regulations and rules to their own parking lots if desired, provided they make this information explicit through clear signage in a reasonable and easily visible location (such as at the entrance of the parking lot itself)
(b) If the rules are not followed, the owner of the property may press charges for trespassing private property and the vehicle parked without consent will be considered as abandoned in the court of law, which in and of itself may incur Government imposed punishments.

(8) Players may not drive under the influence of alcohol.
(a) Police Officers or anyone in the DoJ in a higher position may pull over players with reasonable suspicion that they are driving under the influence, after which they will administer a Straight Line Test (test the driver’s ability to walk in a straight line for 15 consecutive blocks or more)
(b) If the driver fails this test, the inquiring Officer must run the command /brew info to confirm the driver is over the legal limit.
(c)The legal drinking limit shall be set at 4% (can be checked with /brew info). If this limit is exceeded the driver shall be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

(9) Players may not use any vehicle (including public transport such as buses or metro) to evade arrest. Doing so will result in the player being charged with Evading Arrest.
(a)Any player that knowingly assists a criminal in evading arrest by allowing the criminal to ride in their vehicles will be charged with Obstruction of Justice.

(10) All laws mentioned in this section are valid only on public, Government property and do not apply to private property, except for laws concerning Driving Under the Influence (DUI), which are enforceable by DoJ on both public and private property and will result in the same charge regardless of location.

Section 5: Punishments

(1) Define a minor infraction as “a less severe violation of traffic laws that typically does not endanger public safety to the same extent.”
(a) This infraction shall be punished with 1 driver’s infraction point.

(2) Define a major infraction as “a serious violation of traffic laws that poses a significant risk to public safety or property”.
(b) This infraction shall be punished with 2 driver's infraction points.

Authored by violetunknown (original author), amendments made by 9402 and spyrolix, on behalf of the people.
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Department of State
Department of State
This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.
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