Hiring World Business Conglomerate


What is The World Business Conglomerate?
Created during the reign of Blue Industries, M:Corp and other business titans, WBC began as a small farming company. Founded by myself, _Info_, I looked up to these companies and wanted to run a business, living the life as a successful business owner. However I learned that being a cut throat, ruthless and calculated business owner is not the way to go about becoming successful on BusinessCraft.

Our Ideals, Our Message
At WBC, we strive to make an environment that is not only welcoming, but comfortable for its employees. Offering health insurance, tools, and a large network of other business owners to expand ones opportunities, WBC has your back as an employee. We are not a cold company that is out of touch with its workers, we care and I personally interview each and everyone of my applicants to see if they are a good fit for the position they are applying for.

Subsidiary Companies

Ultima Supply.
Ultima is a well known wholesale block and building supply company on BusinessCraft. Offering a large selection of blocks in large quantities anyone to purchase. Ultima owns two retail locations, One located in South BC and the newest location, right outside of spawn at the Central Market Mall.

Positions at Ultima

Supervisor - Hiring

Supervisors work directly under management and deal with the day to day tasks that arise at any given time, and are responsible for keeping track of our suppliers. Supervisors will move stock in and our of our shop warehouses and onto the sales floor to ensure continued sales.

Supplier - Hiring
Suppliers are the backbone of our company! Suppliers are responsible for obtaining goods that are in high demand for and selling them to Ultima, in their own personal shop. Each supplier can pick and choose what they want to sell to Ultima (Granted it is in high demand) and we will pay them for it!

World Design
World Design is a company operated by myself. I design Advertisements, logos, profile pics and will even animate gifs for clients!
