Lawsuit: Adjourned Johnnyboi12345 vs xEndeavour [Civil Lawsuit]

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Your Honor,

My client, Johnnyboi12345, founded the town of Hamilton with intention and integrity. Johnny’s plans for the town were simple, build a community, provide decent housing, and give economic opportunities to the citizens of his town. That was the message that Johnny gave to each and every person in Hamilton. Everyone, including xEndeavour.


This image is a screenshot of DM’s between Johnny and xEndeavour. The post was made by xEndeavour to reflect the town’s goals (as made by Johnny) in the town’s application. While the post ultimately was not used in the town’s application, It portrays xEndeavour’s knowledge of what Hamilton should have been.

Johnnyboi had to leave the server due to the birth of his child. As Johnny left the server, he gave mayorship of Hamilton to xEndeavour as he seemed to share Johnny’s vision. Johnny’s words to xEndeavour were to “Continue my legacy.” xEndeavour seemed up to the task. But he wasn’t.

As Johnny came back on to the server, one of his first priorities was to check on the town. After checking up on Hamilton, Johnny cried at the sight of his town’s destruction. xEndeavour declared the town to be under his corporation, removed all citizens and housing, and started to profit off of the land that formerly was a town. Hamilton as it currently stands is no different in form or function than an industrial farm in the wild. There is no community, there is no business, all that occupies the space are fields of wheat. xEndeavour’s acquisition of Hamilton was nothing more than a way for him to get free land for his company. This cannot be more exemplified than in Hamilton’s expansion. Every block of the expansion is dedicated to farm plots or paths to get to the farm plots with rules against selling crops anywhere but to xEndeavour’s company. Hamiltion is an M|Corp clone, not a town. Hamiltion has no soul.

Johnnyboi wishes to be reinstated as mayor of Hamilton as xEndeavour did not deliver on his promises. Johnnyboi requests that members of Hamilton Industries (xEndeavour’s company) would relinquish control of all properties to the town. This would not include the surrounding land, but only the land granted under the former charter. Land that was granted as an expansion would be removed from Hamilton's control and dealt with as the government see’s fit.

I would like to enter the images and their captions below to the court as evidence.

Thank you your Honor,

Johnny's statements to xEndeavour as he was leaving the server


Before and after images of Hamilton. Notice the buildings and shops in the first image that were removed for the purpose of building more farms


Image of Hamilton's expansion


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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
I am reviewing the court case now. I will officially open the case when I am ready.

Thank you for your patience.


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
@xEndeavour is hereby summoned to the court to acknowledge the case. If the Defendant, @xEndeavour , does not acknowledge the case as a reply in 2 days, the case will close in the Plaintiff's favor.

Court is in Session

This case is presided by Judge Matty707 Bear in mind to not reply to court cases unless summoned by the Judge!

I have reviewed the court case in it's entirety. I will now go ahead and start the court case hence forth.

The Defendant will now have the floor to provide their rebuttal.

@[B]xEndeavour[/B] You have the stand.
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Your Honour,

I would like to start by addressing my place within the Hamilton Community. I have designed, planned, and built most of the previous unofficial Hamilton sites. When the current site was approved, the were a number of buildings copied across via the DoC of which were mostly built by myself - with the exception of the exterior of fh15. I had built and paid for the all of the roads, fences, and the full renovation of the town hall, among other materials and buildings.

When Johnny left Businesscraft, he gave the town to me. There was no contract, just a change of ownership. He gave the town to me as I had demonstrated that I was committed to the town and had an understanding of the town's direction.

When the new site was approved, Johnny specifically stated that "This town will be a cashcow to go towards the purchase of a city."

Addressing some claims made by the complainant's legal representative.

The post was made by xEndeavour to reflect the town’s goals (as made by Johnny) in the town’s application. While the post ultimately was not used in the town’s application, It portrays xEndeavour’s knowledge of what Hamilton should have been.

I put together a comprehensive town application which is pictured above, of which was never used. I put together and suggested the town goals, contrary to the above statement. Johnny never publicly listed these goals, however regardless, we have fulfilled all of them.

- To provide a communal space with facilities for it's citizens.
These facilities are provided in the Town Hall, installed during my renovation.​
- To offer a different experience than that of other towns, through initiatives such as a marketplace rather than a supermarket.
The goal was to make Hamilton something different. Something more than just another town or city. To achieve this I implemented a marketplace. A few months following Johnny's departure, the decision to redevelop Hamilton as a farming community was made. This was put before the DoC and approved. The former DoC Minister stated that he thought it was a good idea to help new players purchase farmland etc. We also encourage the mountain cabins adjacent to the town limits.​
- To attain city status in the near future by means of carefully controlled expansion and planning.
We have successfully expanded and planned future expansion. We acknowledge that the town won't be granted city status - ever.​
- To have a permanent population of 6 within it's first month.
We didn't meet the population targets. We now have over 6 members living in the community.​
- To have major businesses move their operations to the town though incentive packages.
One of the largest companies on the server now operates out of the town through their tree farming operations.​

I approached the complainant about this case and explained our progress on these goals. He has since denied that these were his goals, and therefore has never communicated his goals to me. It is hard to carry on a perceived legacy that has never been communicated. When I took over the town, I stuck to those goals as I had before.

As Johnny came back on to the server, one of his first priorities was to check on the town. After checking up on Hamilton, Johnny cried at the sight of his town’s destruction.
He ranted at me. When I cut him off the town, he harassed me with apology. He defamed me publically while doing so.

There is no community, there is no business
I'd disagree, there are multiple rented apartments, and multiple cabins on the mountains which connect to the town. We also have a large business operating from the town. We have multiple farmers operating from the town through their plots and through the use of the tree farm.

Every block of the expansion is dedicated to farm plots or paths to get to the farm plots with rules against selling crops anywhere but to xEndeavour’s company.
All plots north of the two apartment buildings are encompassed in the expansion. There is no rule whatsoever about only selling crops to Hamilton. We encourage that crops be sold in individual stores. We do however hire employees at the tree farm and of course they are required to sell the wood to us in order to get paid, similar to any other major farming business model in BC.

xEndeavour’s acquisition of Hamilton was nothing more than a way for him to get free land for his company.
The company didn't hold any plots until after the expansion.

xEndeavour declared the town to be under his corporation, removed all citizens and housing, and started to profit off of the land that formerly was a town.
It's going to take a long time before Fort Hamilton sees a profit. A lot of money has been invested into the town. We re-evaluated the place of business in the town after it went stagnant. No one stocked their stores, and no one was making sales of those who actually tried. 8bit withdrawing their business from the town was the deciding factor in redeveloping the town into an industry focused town. There was never any housing in Fort Hamilton. Businesses were informed two months prior, that if their store was to go inactive form more than 2 weeks, that it was going to be requisitioned. There were constant reminders over that two month period.

Hamiltion is an M|Corp clone, not a town. Hamiltion has no soul.
Hamilton has multiple employees and prides itself on it's community projects. We own a low cost mall, low cost apartments, low cost farms, and multiple minigame facilities. We also run markets in two locations. We contribute a lot to the community, and therefore I'd say that the company having no soul is a hyperbole.

When Jay and I went into co-operation he bought into the town to give it the financial boost we needed, and helped where he was needed. The name Hamilton Industries is just the name that we work under in co-operation.

In summary, I see this as a witch hunt to get the town back. I now only own 50% of said town.

The town is more active and vibrant than it ever has been.

Thank you for the opportunity to address the issue, your honour.
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
@xEndeavour Thank you for honoring the court summons and replying with a detailed rebuttal.

Question: To your honest recollection, what does the timeline exactly look like from the specific time when the Plaintiff, @Johnnyboi12345 leaving the server and up until now? Not *too* detailed, but I am curious.

Thank you. After your question is answered, I will allow the Plaintiff's attorney reply with his response if any.

You have the stand now.
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Your honour,

11 September 2019 - Complainant leves the server.
13 September - Town completed, Grand Opening Event.
26 September - Plot owners informed of two week inactivity eviction rule.
3 October - Inactive plot owners reminded.
8 October - Hamilton Industries (Jay and I) assume ownership of Fort Hamilton in Co-operation. Town Council disbanded, City 'staff' installed.
10 October - Case lodged against Sinatra LLC for incomplete builds ordered by complainant.
15 October - Complainant re-joins server. Leaves server again.
Complainant: "I was always wanting to turn Hamilton into an industrial power house"
5 November - Plot owners asked to finish their plots.
26 November - Plot owners asked to finish plots.
20 November - 8 Bit closes store in Fort Hamilton.
28 November - Extensions available, however a majority of inactive plots vaulted.
29 November - Discussions about future of town and how it can be improved. Industrial focus assumed. Plans submitted for approval to DoC.
Early December - Mountain cabins start to be built adjacent to the border.
10 December - Expansion to the North Approved by DoC.
15 December - Fort Hamilton gets Bus Route.
Mid December - First store opened in Hamilton. Still running to this day.
5 January 2020 - Complainant re-joins server.
Early January - Complainant builds a cabin adjacent to the town.

It is clear that the complainant is not happy with the decisions made by the successive owners, which have evolved from his own. The town refocused on different goals when the town went inactive, we were not going to become another inactive town.

Tonight as I write this post, looking out of the Town Hall window, an independent farmer works away at his farming plot for his individual benefit. This is the community we wanted to build. This is the community we are building. 2020-02-22_22.21.22.png

I believe the evidence that I have provided shows the hypocrisy in the claims and assumptions made against myself, Hamilton Industries, and Fort Hamilton.

The complainant has defamed the above in public forums and slandered in Discord channels regarding our community. His acts, this court case, and false claims have brought the town and Hamilton Industries' reputation into bad light. I'll be seeking damages should this case conclude in our favour.
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
@xEndeavour , Thank you for providing me with a list regarding the supposed timeline that took place from your point of view. I have reviewed each statement and have a few questions which I will ask in a couple more responses.

Now, does the Plaintiff's attorney or Plaintiff have any response or further statements they'd like to share or reveal regarding the information provided just now?

@Tree60NoScope / @Johnnyboi12345 , You now have the stand.
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
===== C O U R T --- R E M I N D E R =====

A reminder to those participating and summoned within this court case are subject to and must adhere to the Court Rules!


Your Honor,

I must start this post with information on what exactly a contract is. A standard contract must contain an offer, acceptance of the offer, and considerations (consideration is a benefit which must be bargained for between the parties). Johnnyboi made an offer, xEndeavour accepted this offer, and considerations are the legacy and community of Fort Hamilton.

I would like to address this quote.
This town will be a cashcow to go towards the purchase of a city.
While Johnny has always had commercial aspirations for Fort Hamiltion, the intention was to build a community and earn a city, never to simply make income for the sake of income

I would also like to reject some of the statements that xEndeavour has been making in his post.

I'd disagree, there are multiple rented apartments, and multiple cabins on the mountains which connect to the town.
There are currently no players that live inside of publicly available housing and for quite some time Jocie123 was the only player that had a house space rented. Housing made outside of the town's limits is not considered to be a part of the town and these people cannot be considered as living in Fort Hamilton as they simply do not.

All plots north of the two apartment buildings are encompassed in the expansion. There is no rule whatsoever about only selling crops to Hamilton. We encourage that crops be sold in individual stores.
In the context of business, private businesses are explicitly not allowed under Fort Hamilton's town rules. This is anti-competitive and makes no sense for any Businesscraft entity that wants to be a community.

The company didn't hold any plots until after the expansion.
This is explicitly untrue. Given that Hamilton industries took official control over Fort Hamilton before the expansion and that your are the owner of the company, Hamilton industries must have held plots because you held plots yourself.

In regards to xEndeavour's investments that were put into Fort Hamilton, investments are a hope for profits. However, towns exist to build communities, not for engines of profit

Hamilton has multiple employees and prides itself on it's community projects. We own a low cost mall, low cost apartments, low cost farms, and multiple minigame facilities. We also run markets in two locations. We contribute a lot to the community, and therefore I'd say that the company having no soul is a hyperbole.

This statement is at the core of the issue. xEndeavour has confused Fort Hamilton and Hamilton Industries and does not differentiate the two. Hamilton industries has multiple employees, a low cost mall, low cost apartments, low cost farms, and multiple minigame facilities. Fort Hamilton has empty housing, private businesses are outlawed, private buildings must be industrial buildings under eight blocks, and the only store in the town is a booth owned by xEndeavour. The minigames, malls, and inhabited apartments are in The Capital. Fort Hamilton is viewed as an asset of Hamilton Industries and nothing more.

Hamilton has multiple employees
But not a single citizen.

Thank you, Your Honor
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Here are a few screenshots of evidence pertaining to the case


These images contain every publicly rent-able house. Notice that each plot is vacant.


The rules of Fort Hamilton in the main building. Take note of rules 5 and 6.



These are images of the lone stall owned by xEndeavour and part of the empty stalls.
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Your honour,

Correction to my last - it appears rentals have lapsed during my absence. Prior to my 6 week absence we had approximately 4 apartments rented. We also lost a shop overnight.

There are 5 cabins adjacent to the town limits. Whether or not you consider them citizens, is a different story. However it is clear that the town is utilised by the owners.

In the context of business, private businesses are explicitly not allowed under Fort Hamilton's town rules. This is anti-competitive and makes no sense for any Businesscraft entity that wants to be a community.
Fort Hamilton is a farming community, not a business community. Hence, stores are banned, however we encourage that individuals set up their own stores in capitol city or a place of their choosing. We tried the business model, and it failed. We now enforce a strictly industrial, agricultural model.

This is explicitly untrue. Given that Hamilton industries took official control over Fort Hamilton before the expansion and that your are the owner of the company, Hamilton industries must have held plots because you held plots yourself.

In regards to xEndeavour's investments that were put into Fort Hamilton, investments are a hope for profits. However, towns exist to build communities, not for engines of profit
I'll re-phrase, Hamilton industries owned the town and therefore owned the plots correct, however we only dedicated a plot for Hamilton industries' use following the expansion. It has been a great driver in productivity and purpose in the town.

To clear this up. I own 50% of Hamilton Industries. I do not own the town. Hamilton Industries owns the town. Therefore the complainant cannot sue myself for the town given it has been resold.

Investments were made, quite significant ones. The town earns money, but very little. It is in my eyes, a vanity project. It is not abused for money and we don't advertise it. If we wanted to make money off of the town, we would be advertising and marketing the town. Our focus is on retail in capitol - that is where we make money, not on our town.

I personally like to spend my money on infrastructure that will help develop and advance the server, rather than having it sit stagnant.

Everything is a business. The government is a business, towns are a business, and it has to be like that in order to make money for continual growth.

The crux of this lawsuit against me, is that I have not followed through on goals I set myself, and that I did not tend to goals not communicated to me from the former mayor. With the help of our team, Jay and I have placed, designed, and paid for almost every block in that town. Johnny has contributed nothing to the town directly beyond the application and indirectly through the inheritance I received when he left the server. When Johnny rejoined I offered him the full return of the financial inheritance, however he declined. Despite this, I returned K10,000.

I'd like to end on this testament from a plot owner in our community:

You're wrong there are citizens that live in Fort Hamilton and there would be more if more people could afford to purcash land and rent apartments.
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
I am reviewing all the statements made by both parties at this time. We'll take a *quick* recess.

Thank you.


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
In summary, I see this as a witch hunt to get the town back. I now only own 50% of said town.

To clear this up. I own 50% of Hamilton Industries. I do not own the town. Hamilton Industries owns the town. Therefore the complainant cannot sue myself for the town given it has been resold.

@xEndeavour I have inquires based on these two statements that you had made earlier. I am requesting some clarification to understand who currently and legally has ownership/mayor-ship over Fort Hamilton.

I am inviting the
Minister of the Department of Public Affairs to provide Town Relation documents to show the court the census information. @Anonymous_063

Additional Questions:

Question 1: @xEndeavour As you say, when you allowed Jay to purchase 50% ownership of the town, and now you say that Hamilton Industries owns the town, I need you to be a bit more clear since the two statements do not currently add up.

Question 2: @Tree60NoScope In regards to the provided document stated as being a contract between both parties. I would like to know the date in which the said contract was written AND if it was ever signed. If the date cannot be proven valid or with signatures, I may have to disregard the document as a legal contract between both parties.

All parties may reply ONCE to answer their respective questions.

Y'all have the stand...
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Thank you, Your Honor.

Enclosed is first the City-Report of Fort Hamilton at its conception and second a screenshot showing the conversation with xEndeavour and me requesting updated city-report information to Fort Hamilton in which that conversation was date-stamped on February 22, 2020 at 2:59 am EST.

Here are the screenshots.
Kbooth Fort Hamilton DoPA Report 2020-02-23 001340.png Kbooth Fort Hamiltion with date 2020-02-23 000454.png

Thank you.
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The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development

Thank you Minister, for your hasty reply. I will review the documents now.


Your honor,

I would like to quickly make a point of order. Johnnyboi12345 left the server on 9/10/19 and made the decision quickly due to the birth of his child. xEndeavour could not have been the mayor of Fort Hamilton due to the fact that Johnnyboi intended to be mayor up until the day he left.

In addition, the Fort Hamilton group at the time worked within private discord channels. Only xEndeavour can provide the contract. However, some channels were deleted in a rework of the server which may include the contract.


Question 1: @xEndeavour As you say, when you allowed Jay to purchase 50% ownership of the town, and now you say that Hamilton Industries owns the town, I need you to be a bit more clear since the two statements do not currently add up.

When Jay and I went into co-operation he bought into the town. The name Hamilton Industries is just the name that we work under in co-operation. To be clear the beneficiaries of the company are:

Jaynormous 50%
xEndeavour 50%

Hamilton Industries is the governing body of the town. I hold the ownership of the town on the worldguard region, on behalf of the company.

In response to the complainant's legal representative: I was not involved in contracts, or aware of any contract. The complainant has since deleted the message he made to me on the 11th September 2019, whereby he gave me the town.

On a point of order: I'd appreciate it if the complainant would refrain from approaching my colleague and further slandering me to them.


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
Alright. So essentially the contract was lost or removed. Thank you to both parties for your replies. I will call a recess for the night and we'll continue tomorrow. (my time)

At this point, I may have enough information to come to a verdict. If so, that statement will be released sometime tomorrow.

Thank you. Have a good night.


The Big Cheese
Department of Internal Development
{0}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={ JUDICIAL RESPONSE }=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-={0}

Now, I wish to remind everyone here that this court case was brought into the Judicial system on the grounds of who claims Ownership of the Town of Fort Hamilton. The Plaintiff's party has provided a volume of information to support their claim, including a document from Discord stated as being their contract between both parties. Unfortunately, due to the lack of legal verbiage and required signatures between both parties, I have deemed this document null and void. Simply put, it appears to be a "Mission Statement" or "Goals List" per say. In the first paragraph of the opening statement made my the Plaintiff's representative, the "message that Johnny gave to each and every person in Hamilton." is not a binding contract, at least not in the eyes of the Judicial System. The court will not be recognizing this document going forward.

Although it would appear that moral state of how the (government-recognized) town of Fort Hamilton which has been depicted through this case in regards to how the current owner's ethics for running the town is definitely questionable. I have read through the statements provided and found old posts through the Fort Hamilton official Discord server. I have seen photos of the town prior to the Plaintiff leaving the town and server. The town has definitely taken a obvious redirection, where once there were office buildings, now there are farming patches. However, the term "industrial facilities" is considered to be a gray area, especially in the land of BusinessCraft. Regarding the statements of ownership which the Defendant provided in two different occasions seemed contradict himself on who officially owns the town. But, that was cleared up in court with the Fort Hamilton town record data provided by the Minister of DoPA.

This Civil Lawsuit will go in the Defendant's favor due to the simple fact that he was given ownership of the town, regardless of any passing wishes from the previous owner. Ownership was granted by the Plaintiff as an individual who had publicly announced their departure from the town and the lands of BusinessCraft. Based on the timeline provided, the Plaintiff would have been gone long enough from the server which according to the BusinessCraft law, one would forfeit their personal belongings and property back to the government unless properly vaulted. A departure post was created, not a intermittent leave-of-absence from the server.

Departure Notice:

As reigning Judge, the Defendant @xEndeavour is hereby recognized by the BusinessCraft Judicial System as the inherent owner of the Town of Fort Hamilton.

I do have some stipulations following up to the verdict. These are just my recommendations, which I highly expect all parties to look into with sincerity.

1.) Being that all approved towns are recognized by the BC Government, I call upon Parliament to investigate and create a Bill or set of Bills that provides clarity on transfer of ownership of towns, and the direct (if any) involvement/ownership of a town from a corporate entity. Essentially, the baseline ethics used for running a town should be reconsidered and revised by the Government.

2.) I call upon the current owner and Mayor of the Town of Fort Hamilton to consider allowing the founder and former Mayor back into the Town's Discord server and possibly within the town's council to help reshape the original vision from which they both once shared. I know. I am highly aware that two sharp ideals clashing makes a shattered mess. But, I do believe a mutual ground can be forged between the two parties. I leave that up to you, Mr. xEndeavour.

This civil court case is now adjourned.

Court Adjourned

This case was presided by Judge Matty707

Now excuse me, as I need to make a trip to BevMo! ...

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