City plots are pricy for a reason. New players just go and get cheap land in the wild rather than getting apartments in the city. Pushing players into the cities and towns is the best way to build the economy. This bill is the first step towards actually helping players make krunas rather than everyone being self reliant. The way a capitalist economy works is you have to provide a service or something of worth to another individual to make money. This logic should be applied more to BC. Player interaction needs to be the top way to make krunas. Not everyone owning ranches in wild doing there own thing. I side with the bill!
Hi CrackedAmoeba, thanks for your reply!
I'm just going to give some rebuttal if you don't mind ( I thought it was spelled rebuttle for ages ).
1. "City plots are pricy for a reason."
And what is the reason?
2. "New players just go and get cheap land in the wild rather than getting apartments in the city."
It is very cheap to rent an apartment in the city, so I don't think that is a problem. Also, as I have already said these players build bases + farms etc in the wild as they would get eyesored in the city. ( They can't even have nether portals there! )
3. "This bill is the first step towards actually helping players make krunas rather than everyone being self reliant. The way a capitalist economy works is you have to provide a service or something of worth to another individual to make money. This logic should be applied more to BC."
Forgive me this might just me a misunderstanding on my behalf but I'm not entirely sure what your point is. I don't get how this bill would help players earn more Krunas, wouldn't it do the opposite and cause players to get poorer as the plots are so expensive in the city? I agree that's how a capitalist economy works and I think it is a huge part of the server already, so I still don't see how any of this is a reason to place restrictions on the wild?
4. "Player interaction needs to be the top way to make krunas. Not everyone owning ranches in wild doing there own thing."
It is the top way to make Krunas for many people, just speak to Ianhead who has a very successful shop/business based on human interaction and he has make 300000K+ on it I believe. On a personal note, the reason I have made 40000K+ on the server is because of my shops in the past, and I think all of the experienced players on the server recognise that shops ( based on human interaction ) are an important way to make money. I believe that this point again fails to show why restrictions should be placed on regioning in the wild.
Many thanks,