Petition for removal of the bill 'Wilderness Region Changes'


City plots are pricy for a reason. New players just go and get cheap land in the wild rather than getting apartments in the city. Pushing players into the cities and towns is the best way to build the economy. This bill is the first step towards actually helping players make krunas rather than everyone being self reliant. The way a capitalist economy works is you have to provide a service or something of worth to another individual to make money. This logic should be applied more to BC. Player interaction needs to be the top way to make krunas. Not everyone owning ranches in wild doing there own thing. I side with the bill!


City plots are pricy for a reason. New players just go and get cheap land in the wild rather than getting apartments in the city. Pushing players into the cities and towns is the best way to build the economy. This bill is the first step towards actually helping players make krunas rather than everyone being self reliant. The way a capitalist economy works is you have to provide a service or something of worth to another individual to make money. This logic should be applied more to BC. Player interaction needs to be the top way to make krunas. Not everyone owning ranches in wild doing there own thing. I side with the bill!

Hi CrackedAmoeba, thanks for your reply!

I'm just going to give some rebuttal if you don't mind ( I thought it was spelled rebuttle for ages ).

1. "City plots are pricy for a reason."

And what is the reason?

2. "New players just go and get cheap land in the wild rather than getting apartments in the city."

It is very cheap to rent an apartment in the city, so I don't think that is a problem. Also, as I have already said these players build bases + farms etc in the wild as they would get eyesored in the city. ( They can't even have nether portals there! )

3. "This bill is the first step towards actually helping players make krunas rather than everyone being self reliant. The way a capitalist economy works is you have to provide a service or something of worth to another individual to make money. This logic should be applied more to BC."

Forgive me this might just me a misunderstanding on my behalf but I'm not entirely sure what your point is. I don't get how this bill would help players earn more Krunas, wouldn't it do the opposite and cause players to get poorer as the plots are so expensive in the city? I agree that's how a capitalist economy works and I think it is a huge part of the server already, so I still don't see how any of this is a reason to place restrictions on the wild?

4. "Player interaction needs to be the top way to make krunas. Not everyone owning ranches in wild doing there own thing."

It is the top way to make Krunas for many people, just speak to Ianhead who has a very successful shop/business based on human interaction and he has make 300000K+ on it I believe. On a personal note, the reason I have made 40000K+ on the server is because of my shops in the past, and I think all of the experienced players on the server recognise that shops ( based on human interaction ) are an important way to make money. I believe that this point again fails to show why restrictions should be placed on regioning in the wild.

Many thanks,



If the petition gets more than 15 signatures, the Speaker of the Parliament will make an official referendum.

Including myself, the petition has reached 15 signatures so I would now like to invite the Speaker of the Parliament to create an official referendum.

I would ask that the speaker includes a link to this petition in the referendum post please.


Including myself, the petition has reached 15 signatures so I would now like to invite the Speaker of the Parliament to create an official referendum.

I would ask that the speaker includes a link to this petition in the referendum post please.

Due to Olefante's signature this petition has once again reached the required amount of signatures to trigger an official referendum.


uhmm imo this is a step to decentralization though

capital city is not the only city

I agree with the idea of decentralization, however I do not believe enforcing restrictions on the wild regions will fix the problem, for reasons I have already stated in this forum post ( Don't wanna repeat myself I'm sorry! lol ), I think extra incentives would be a better way to accomplish this, or if anyone has any other ideas I would love to hear them. However, I would like to reiterate that I do not believe this order will achieve the aims of decentralisation.


Hi all,

After talks in the political discussion section of the discord, I would like to suggest a possible alternative ( Full credit to Kat and Ian, and Slime who reminded them of its existence. )

• Raise limit to 3000 per region
• up to 5 regions
• first two regions are K7 per block, after that it's K10 per block

Thats slime's version,

and I would also like a special section of the forums implemented to apply for expansions for regions and for new regions.

Let me know what you think!

Many thanks,



@Hello_Miner these restrictions force players away from wild which increases interaction within the city. Players want power. When I joined the server I never rented because I saw value in owning land. I did not give krunas to anyone unless it made me more krunas. I got my land in wild for cheap and started storing supplies. sure it helped me but it took away business for those had already established apts in city and own plots/ businesses. My record bal is only 20,000 krunas. Now that I have a business it is difficult for me to sell to new players because they find it easier to go on their own. it traps new players ina system of being self reliant then not being able to expand due to lack of player interaction between new and old players. Forcing new players to actually live in the city drives business in the city. New players start small and slowly upgrade to then build there own business which then newer players piggy back off of creating a cycle of new players paying businesses then also making krunas thru there own ventures with more players.


For Real?
@Hello_Miner these restrictions force players away from wild which increases interaction within the city. Players want power. When I joined the server I never rented because I saw value in owning land. I did not give krunas to anyone unless it made me more krunas. I got my land in wild for cheap and started storing supplies. sure it helped me but it took away business for those had already established apts in city and own plots/ businesses. My record bal is only 20,000 krunas. Now that I have a business it is difficult for me to sell to new players because they find it easier to go on their own. it traps new players ina system of being self reliant then not being able to expand due to lack of player interaction between new and old players. Forcing new players to actually live in the city drives business in the city. New players start small and slowly upgrade to then build there own business which then newer players piggy back off of creating a cycle of new players paying businesses then also making krunas thru there own ventures with more players.

I agree that the wild takes away businesses and drives players away from cities since they can be self reliant, however this doesn't guarantee that players will keep the money spending and having newer players repeat. Its an optimistic way to think, you also have to consider that most businesses on the server don't survive and live to grow to something big. If nobody is doing business when them, its either because players find it that what the companies provide don't work for them, or that since they overpriced it/the product being sold is so easy to get, that its more feasible to just get it yourself. Also, people hoard money, which makes it even worse when you want money constantly flowing in the economy.


If you have 118,000 to spend on regions, I don't think you should be buying in the wild. + it will be a big logistical headache.
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@Hello_Miner these restrictions force players away from wild which increases interaction within the city. Players want power. When I joined the server I never rented because I saw value in owning land. I did not give krunas to anyone unless it made me more krunas. I got my land in wild for cheap and started storing supplies. sure it helped me but it took away business for those had already established apts in city and own plots/ businesses. My record bal is only 20,000 krunas. Now that I have a business it is difficult for me to sell to new players because they find it easier to go on their own. it traps new players ina system of being self reliant then not being able to expand due to lack of player interaction between new and old players. Forcing new players to actually live in the city drives business in the city. New players start small and slowly upgrade to then build there own business which then newer players piggy back off of creating a cycle of new players paying businesses then also making krunas thru there own ventures with more players.

If you have 118,000 to spend on regions, I don't think you should be buying in the wild. + it will be a big logistical headache.

I have suggested another alternative above can you give me your opinions on that?